Looks like Sam Hall Strikes again!!!


R. Schatz

If I'm reading the results of the last Piedmont, NC 600 yard match correctly It looks like Sam Hahh broke his old light gun score agg record from 2008 which was a 196 with an amazing 197

Congratulations Sam

You are off to another smokin' season!!

Richard Schatz
Thanks Richard!
That means alot coming from you!
I started the season pretty poorly. But things started happening when I started shooting the same Krieger Dasher barrel I used last year on my LG. Those Kriegers seem to shoot better with some wear. I learned most of what I know about the Dashers from reading about you over the years.
Last Saturday we had some pretty decent conditions for a change in the am. Buster Long shot a 196 for second place and I pulled out a 197. I know the way you shoot you could have done just as well or better.
Hope you have a great season and if all goes well I will see you in St. Louis in October. A few of us from here are going to try and make it. Maybe we will go out and eat a steak again afterwards!
Samuel Hall
This is not unusual for Sam...................Every month I come to the matches and just expect him to break a record! He deserves it as he puts in a lot of work and preperaration along with good equipment.
Again Sam..........Good shootin'!
Rich De