Looking for Coors benchrest range information

Joe Duke

Active member
The Coors Benchrest range at the Whittington Shooting Center in Raton, New Mexico was completed sometime in the 1994 to 1997 era. I understand there was an article published in the NBRSA publication of the time detailing the construction of the range and all the effort that went into bringing this fine range into being.
If anyone has any information about this or has a copy of the article, could they please contact Al Elliott at whittingtonshoot@gmail.com or Joe Duke at Txdad43@proton.me.
You can also call Al Elliott at 325-206-0287 or Joe Duke at 830-522-0063. We would like to use this information to publicize the upcoming 2023 NBRSA Score Nationals to be held there July 25 thru July 28, 2023.
Thanks in advance for your help.
