
I'm in a frenzy of (a) trying to find stuff; and (b) packing van and trailer.

Leaving about two hours ago.

SS Parking

I guess I and Rick Mooers won't be parking on the slope this year or we will be floating in the duck pond. :D ----Bill
Gammon, call bogie 314-920-6860. I may be in a Verizon-free zone, so leave a message with your cell. Hoping to just have a spot I can pull into over there on the "wrong side of the road" with you guys - anything clear? Can try to check e-mail at a truck stop, but dunno. Should be getting in around 0-dark-thirty...

Unless otherwise directed, I'll wake you up when I pull in...

Gammon, call bogie 314-920-6860. I may be in a Verizon-free zone, so leave a message with your cell. Hoping to just have a spot I can pull into over there on the "wrong side of the road" with you guys - anything clear? Can try to check e-mail at a truck stop, but dunno. Should be getting in around 0-dark-thirty...

Unless otherwise directed, I'll wake you up when I pull in...


The spots behind me are clear, look forward to seeing you.