Little guy bullet makers

Al Nyhus

"It'll never work!"
For us little guy bullet makers, it's a good day when FedEx rolls up with boxes from Capstone/J4 full of .30 cal. goodness. :cool:

Good shootin' -Al

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For us little guy bullet makers, it's a good day when FedEx rolls up with boxes from Capstone/J4. :cool:

Good shootin' -Al


That is a treasure. Was is delivered by armor car?
You are a lucky man. Surprised it was not stolen in route.
I ordered some breakfast bars from Amazon. 3 different deliveries. Different brands. And Fed-Ex claimed they were all delivered....
I don't see any 17 caliber jackets.

What gives???!!:confused:


For most of us, the Capstone Precision minimum order quantities make the "odd-ball" stuff less attractive than, "in the old days"! For their 17 Cal. offering, two cases @ $2,273.40/Cs: $4,546.80 total (24,000 each/case - 48K each total), plus shipping . . . no more PINTA orders!
Ya either gotta have pals who want to share, or, enjoy having your $ just sit around for a while.:p The 7 bench-rest items, though all one case minimums, are not as "scary", running about $700-900/case. ;) RG
Randy, whenever I walk through your shop, the level of inventory $ required for you to service your customers is amazing. And staggering.

Add in the costs of the many, many high end dies, core seating equipment, core inventory requirements, maintainance, all the modified and one-off presses and tooling, Then, after all the work, they have to be packaged up and shipped. And then there's keeping track of the orders and the 'business end' of the business....forecasting inventory, timely shipments from suppliers, etc.

That's the 'behind the scenes' stuff that customers don't see when they order great bullets.

This paragraph from Tony Boyer's book certainly rings true:

"A tremendous amount of work goes into making bullets. The next time you write a check to a bullet maker, imagine his true labor rate. Be glad they charge so little!"

Thanks to all the Big Guys for the trickle down effect we little guys benefit from and enjoy. :)

Good shootin' :) -Al
Randy, whenever I walk through your shop, the level of inventory $ required for you to service your customers is amazing. And staggering.

Add in the costs of the many, many high end dies, core seating equipment, core inventory requirements, maintainance, all the modified and one-off presses and tooling, Then, after all the work, they have to be packaged up and shipped. And then there's keeping track of the orders and the 'business end' of the business....forecasting inventory, timely shipments from suppliers, etc.

That's the 'behind the scenes' stuff that customers don't see when they order great bullets.

This paragraph from Tony Boyer's book certainly rings true:

"A tremendous amount of work goes into making bullets. The next time you write a check to a bullet maker, imagine his true labor rate. Be glad they charge so little!"

Thanks to all the Big Guys for the trickle down effect we little guys benefit from and enjoy. :)

Good shootin' :) -Al

Thanks Guys and Gals making the custom bullets.....