Leather Front Bags

Bob Kingsbury

New member
Is cordura all its cracked up to be. They seem to loose side tension very fast. There are some very good shooter still using leather. Aside from the
baby powder mess. What will cordura do that leather won't ?
The slickest setup I ever had was a leather bag with a loose piece of felt laid on top. You have to replace the felt every so often. I like brown, but I'd bet Skip Otto would have preferred green. But you need the long nap felt -- or whatever it is called. Poker table green isn't as good. No, I'm not joking; give it a try.
Bob ...

I've used both. It's probably six of one or a half dozen of the other. I prefer and use Cordura now but the folks at Protektor Model told me not too long ago, that based on orders, they were seeing a transition back to leather. I use pure silicon spray on both and have had good results. Mike Ratigan covers the pros and cons in his book. Art
Charles E
I have tried that with the felt. The gun will slide as well on it today
thru next year, however it will roll much easier
Seems like

a Leather bag with a used dryer sheet gives the best of a firm bag for straight recoiling and a smooth as silk movement. This also cuts down on the roll that Bob mentioned with felt. The dryer sheet is super thin, but slick.


I'm using microfiber cleaning cloths over both front and rear bags. It is absolutely wonderful. My wood stock slides very consistently. No powder or wax needed.
TruKote's Superbags

No discussion of bag fabric could be complete without mentioning Dave Dohrmann's new Ultra Fabric bags. They consist of leather ears with an ultra slick fabric (the composition of which is Dave's trade secret) and are slicker than greased owl **** without the need of any type of lubricant. No silicon, no corn starch, no talc -- nothing.

They slide and track beautifully and behave very consistently. I think, some of the top shooters are trying them out. Maybe they can weigh in. Or maybe they don't want to let the cat out of the bag? :eek:
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Ultra Fabric

Mr. Marcelli's statement about the bag material may have a little exaggerated.
The new fabric is not quite as slick as Owl ****, but it is more consistant, and smells better.
Ask Harley Baker. He had one at the Nats. ...Dave
Dave ...

Will Potektor replace the ears on an existing bag with this new miracle material ??? Art
I Agree

No discussion of bag fabric could be complete without mentioning Dave Dohrmann's new Ultra Fabric bags. They consist of leather ears with an ultra slick fabric (the composition of which is Dave's trade secret) and are slicker than greased owl **** without the need of any type of lubricant. No silicon, no corn starch, no talc -- nothing.

They slide and track beautifully and behave very consistently. I think, some of the top shooters are trying them out. Maybe they can weigh in. Or maybe they don't want to let the cat out of the bag? :eek:

After trying out Daves bags that Mike loaned me, I agree. -----Bill