Learned something on another forum today

Butch Lambert

Active member
One of the fellows said after breaking in his barrels,be it factory or custom, that he doesn't have one that will shoot over .300MOA. Well you know me, I called him out.
One of the fellows said after breaking in his barrels,be it factory or custom, that he doesn't have one that will shoot over .300MOA. Well you know me, I called him out.


Well...ya see what happens when you open your eyes and ears, and expand on your myopic vision of the accuracy world? You learn all kinds of things...

Now if you'll excuse me, I have barrel's to go break in...

Years ago we all broke all our barrels in and, believe me, some shot worse than .3".

New barrel day was right up there with root canals and prostrate exams.
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I betting the guy has no flags either.

Not to mention the fact that measuring groups is a task that 99% of shooters don't know how to do and don't have the proper equipment for doing it accurately. Most have never even seen a proper group measuring tool as is used at BR matches.
I betting the guy has no flags either.

Not to mention the fact that measuring groups is a task that 99% of shooters don't know how to do and don't have the proper equipment for doing it accurately. Most have never even seen a proper group measuring tool as is used at BR matches.

crb, Why not offer these as a suggestion, emphasizing the advantage of both:

For a good selection of wind flags and sail tails take a look at Rick Graham's flags: http://www.brflags.com/flags.html Proper use should shrink group size.

For a measuring tool this one's hard to beat: http://www.neiljones.com/html/target_measuring.html Follow the instructions for correct group measurement. :)
But if he NEVER finishes breaking in the barrel he will always have that excuse anytime somebody calls BS on that.
The best groups are always and consistently shot with a typewriter.
I correct myself, I should have said by some people. I would like to see any of these braggers show up at a registered match
and show the world that they and their rifle are that good.
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After my little side comment, He PM'd me and told me how bad a$$ those Montana boys are.......you better watch out!.... :rolleyes:
Hopefully if he stays around long enough he will learn a little. I have found out I sure don't know as much as I thought I knew 20 years ago or so.

Markr, he sent me a few PMs also.
this really happened with witnesses: At Riverbend one day, a new member was telling us that his stock rifle would shoot 1/4" groups all day long "as long as he did----". As proof, he showed us a few targets, none of which had groups smaller that an inch or two. Bill Dittman, now the club manager, pointed to one of the larger groups and asked the shooter what happened there. "Oh, those are flyers, I don't count them." A stunned silence followed.

So we discovered the secret to shooting perfect groups every time.
On the flip side....... JUST to be different......my wife's niece married an avid hunter. Not a target shooter, a hunter. In the course of family affairs the guy found out I had a range etc etc etc..... asked to come up and "sight in his prairie dog guns because they had a hunt coming up in Da'Kota..."

I'm very careful.

I was hesitant.

I explained the rules of my private range, one of which is FIRST SHOT from any rifle had to be ON PAPER at 186yds (my only range distance) or you pack up and go home, no exceptions. My range at the time was on a small 10acre plot, one target butt, one distance with a small backstop, I couldn't afford the chance of fliers going over the berm.

So he tells me about his various guns, one of which is a Savage 22-250 "that will take to cap off a pop bottle or headshoot a ground squirrel at 250yds"

He shows up with a load of guns and cases of factory ammo to test. Dude doesn't handload even, just buys ammo by the case....

First couple guns, 223 boltguns, no problems, on the paper, very typical groups...... then a couple AR's, again, on the paper..... I'm thinking "OK, I can relax a little".....

Then out comes the mythical Savage, an old beat up 110 with a Harris bipod bolted on the front, the tall one "for shooting in tall grass" and a couple brands of factory ammo to "test for groups."

"This Federal stuff shoots really good but I want to try the Winchester with the black coated plastic tip bullets"

So I'm setting two benches over rolling my mental eyes heavenwards, at least happy that so far his guns ARE fairly close but now it's time for "the good one"....... and this kid proceeds to lay down GROUPS at 186yds....... bullets touching etc, teetering precariously on a pile of coats and that stupid bipod!!!! That kid, who's now a friend, shot honest half-minute groups (and some smaller) with factory ammo. We didn't measure nuttin' and he weren't even bragging but it sure showed me that not ALL claims are total BS :)

This story's not even relevant to Butch's OP, I just threw it in because it reminded me of it.


Reminds me of a guy who comes to the local range, never shuts up about weatherby, all his weatherbys shoot half inch groups always. He sets his weatherby up on a bench and fires off a box of weatherby factory loads. Cease fire is called everyone walks up to grab our targets, he shot an 8 or 9 inch group, he proudly points to three shots out of the 20 that happened to land about an inch apart, proudly proclaims dead serious "see them three holes there, that's at least a half inch group, does it every time".
All my rifles shoot great groups with xyz ammo at xyz distance "guaranteed", distance isn't a problem just still lookin for that xyz ammo nye onto 40 years now.
We had a good one at our match weekend before last. Some of us are there on Thursday practicing and getting set up for the match and we get a few people wander in and ask what's going on. Well, this big jacked up diesel pickup truck comes in. You know the type, hillbilly cadillac rig with $10,000 wheels and tires, modded to the hilt, elk and deer stickers in the windows, and right off I'm thinking this guy is going to get out (actually, fall out would be a better description) and be 5' tall, 140 pounds, and be toting a Christensen Arms rifle wanting to sight it in on our target frames with moving backers. Well, I wasn't too far off. He didn't have the CA with him, but he did own one and began to tell some of us there that it would shoot groups like what was on our practice targets "all day long". Well there's a big surprise........;) I would have been shocked if he hadn't said that! I guess all us Benchresters are missing the boat with all of our specialized gear trying to shoot 1/4" for two days straight. We ought to be shooting overpriced hunting rifles in some whizzbang magnum caliber, and put the rest of our money into mud flaps and fender flares for our trucks!
After two days at our match, the winning 2 gun agg was a .2900", way over the size of groups this man's Christensen would have done............guess we should have asked to borrow it for a few days!:D