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Here's a new one. A "murdered out" Remmy 700 hvy varmint in 243.

Thoughts? Still some final touches yet. (like finish on the stock, it's just sanded to 600 right now)







1. What kind of scope mount/rings is that?

2. Barrel long enough?
Really like the scope mount. Bolt shroud looks nice as well. Is tang area of the stock going to be flush with metal?

My guess would be to add some weight to the butt stock to counter that long barrel... :D
Bolt shroud and Stock are in house designs.

I changed the fire control to a cock on opening only set up.

NF makes the ring/base.

As for the back end of the action/stock. This stock is really meant for a heavy BR type tang. Stuffing a Remmy in it results in compromises if you care about trigger location and/or having the action sit properly on the "waterline" of the stock. You can blend the back half but it eats so much of the tang and grip that it ends up looking like someone use the neck of a ostrich for inspiration. They just don't look right. Talked with the client about it and we decided to go this route. Different, but I really think we made the right choice.

As for the barrel, it's only 28".


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The finish-well, its interesting-some very different parkerizing? or a 'secret' blue-great stuff.
I am wondering about the tang-looks pretty much below water line! Whats your thoughts on 'freefloat-the-tang' school of thought and Dednutz mount systems?
Nice job, Chad! I know how difficult it can be to fit something into a stock that's designed for something else, which always requires figuring out the best compromises to have it come out looking good and working good at the same time. This is way more difficult than a lot of people realize - looks like you did a great job with this one. I like how you contoured the safety notch to match the curved travel of the safety button too - nice touch!

Thanks Gordy.

As for plating. The "secret" concoction is a phone call to Jeff at Falcon Coat Gun finishes in Columbia Falls, MT.

Jeff and I have worked on stuff together since 03 when I was at Nesika. Hell of a nice guy, straight as an arrow, and his finishes are 2nd to none in terms of quality and overall presentation.

It's a coating. Yes it will scratch, yes it will ding up if abused. If treated nice it's durable, abrasion resistant, makes the action nice and slick, and he has a very broad variety of color choices. Here's that finished light varmint rig in the desert camo. Same metal finish, different color.

His turn around is also very reasonable. I had this stuff back in about two weeks.

Hell of a guy!



The finish-well, its interesting-some very different parkerizing? or a 'secret' blue-great stuff.
I am wondering about the tang-looks pretty much below water line! Whats your thoughts on 'freefloat-the-tang' school of thought and Dednutz mount systems?

Below waterline? All tangs are below waterline. If they weren't the action would look like a Barnard; a piece of pipe just cut off square in the back. The action is within .005" of being exactly on its radius. It has no choice because of the pillars I make and how I bed stuff.

It gives that appearance because the tang on a Remmy is much shorter in height when compared to a heavy BR tang on a Nesika, BAT, or Defiance Machine type bench rest action.

Here's what I mean. The exact same stock, but look at the amount of mass in the tang. This is a BAT MB action prepped for bedding. This is what this stock is really intended for:


Here's the bedding job after final cleanup:


See the difference?

Here's a Nesika with a heavy tang in the same stock:


Here's the whole thing:


As for floating a tang. Maybe there is something to it. I've yet to see it. I bed my guns the way I bed them and they seem to work well. There's lots of ways to skin cats and I don't profess to know all of them, I just know what I do works for me and the clients seem to like it.

I use a lot of nightforce products because I've had good luck with them. I like to stick with what I know has worked well in the past.
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That, Chad, is a very enlightening experience! Thanks a tonne for clearing the fog, and the exquisite pics. Very informative
Really nice work you do Chad.
Is the tang on the BAT the only recoil lug?

If you look closely at the floor of the receiver (the one masked off with clay) you can see the recoil lug. It's the scalloped area between the front guard screw and the trigger well.

Thanks for the kind words guys. This'll be a neat gun when its all finished up. Sending it out for Falcon Coating in a titanium tactical blue color. I'm starting to dig these "murdered out" rifles. It'll be a 6.5-284 for the V. Jamboree up here in Pierre later this summer.

fun stuff!

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