Larry Costa Flag Rotation at the Nationals

L. Costa

New member
For those of you that are on my flag rotation at the Nationals in St. Louis, I am sorry to tell you that I will not be able to leave Florida; I am expecting too much "stuff" to happen. I would like those on my rotation, that have Smiley type flags, to bring what you have to the match so that it looks and feels the same for all shooters on the rotation. Please get together and elect one person to coordinate the setting so that they all look the same.
I wish I could go, have only been to three matched this year but ,God willing, i'll be able to go to a bunch next year.
Be safe.
For those of you that are on my flag rotation at the Nationals in St. Louis, I am sorry to tell you that I will not be able to leave Florida; I am expecting too much "stuff" to happen. I would like those on my rotation, that have Smiley type flags, to bring what you have to the match so that it looks and feels the same for all shooters on the rotation. Please get together and elect one person to coordinate the setting so that they all look the same.
I wish I could go, have only been to three matched this year but ,God willing, i'll be able to go to a bunch next year.
Be safe.

Larry, I hope you and your's come through this thing OK. All we have had here in Houston was the high water. You are going to get all that a hurricane of this magnitude has to offer.

I am watching the latest computer forecast, and it seems this storm might take a little jog to the east. That means Florida will be completely on the dirty side of the circulation. Also, if it does that, the remenants after it moves inland might make it all the way up into the Mississippi River Valley. Saint Louis is in that path.

Best of luck.
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Very sorry to hear that you are trapped in Florida, and i hope that you are spared by the storm.
To all of those that are on Larry's rotation we already have the Berger flags on site at BRRC and we will use those as a replacement. If someone would please volunteer to be responsible for the setup and take down of the flags I would really appreciate it.
Joe, the last I

Very sorry to hear that you are trapped in Florida, and i hope that you are spared by the storm.
To all of those that are on Larry's rotation we already have the Berger flags on site at BRRC and we will use those as a replacement. If someone would please volunteer to be responsible for the setup and take down of the flags I would really appreciate it.

looked, there were still open slots on my flag rotation. All are welcome.

Larry - good luck with that hurricane and never mind about those wind flags. Thanks for telling folks you're not bringing flags to the nationals in time for them to do something.

Let us know how you make out with that hurricane please Sir.
Good Luck

Sorry you won't make the Nationals. Hope all is well when your range flags start blowing. -----Bill
Smallwood won the toss. It will be taken care of. I've got faith in the LRB.
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Larry, my Dad, Ron Burdick, and I wish you the best of luck through this hurricane. Hope you and your family remain safe. Hope to meet you at a match in the next year. Thank you again for the gun and stay safe.

Devin and Ron
Larry, I hope that you survived the hurricane with little damage from it. I guess now you'll be faced with a lot of clean up from whatever damage that there was from it. Good thing that the trip to NZ is still a little over a month away. See you in Los Angeles.
Larry, I hope you and your family are OK and the hurricane hasn't caused too much damage. Wishing you all the best for the clean up and recovery.
I'm looking forward to seeing you again in a couple of months time........Ian
Thanks for the good wishes. Everything and everybody is fine. We had some very strong wind and rain but no damage.
I hope the flag rotation went well and that there were some winners on it.
Thanks for the good wishes. Everything and everybody is fine. We had some very strong wind and rain but no damage.
I hope the flag rotation went well and that there were some winners on it.

Larry, I'm glad that you came out about as good as one could hope for after going through a major Hurricane.

we are slowly getting back to normal here in Houston. It's still a mess, but life goes on.