Landy's new toy



A few here may know Mr. landercasper, a softspoken exceedingly polite gent from the Nebraska regions.

He's allowed me to tinker with his little Stolle "swindler hurst" action and fit it to a stock.

Here's the progress thus far. About ready for paint. I'm thinkin a colbalt blue with pearl and platinum ghost flames. . . We'll see. . .





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I really loves that carbon fiber stuff in the barrel channel! :D
What type of pillars are they

I keep seeing these pillars popping up with the 2 lines each side. What type of pillars are they and where are they coming from, they look interesting.
Class website Chad, Ill be in touch with you. I like those 2 stocks. Could you tell me where these can be got, I dont suppose you make these yourself.
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The first is an Anschutz 2013 smallbore freerifle stock. I built that gun in 2002 for a gent named Marty Waters in the Mass area. Neat guy!

The action is a Nesika R model and that gun takes considerable work to build. It's not for the faint of heart and you better be a wizz with a TIG welder as there's a fair amount of work to fill up existing guard screw holes, bolt handle notches, etc.

It was a royal biche to quite honest and that's not even covering the carbon fiber reinforcement up in the barrel channel.

I wouldn't touch another one for under $2000.00 in labor. That's how much work it is. The bedding on that gun looks like anything else I've done.

The second is a MasterClass made by Alex Sitman. Alex is well known/respected in highpower and one hell of a guy to boot. I actually scrapped the first one and he hooked me up big time by sending me another one for the cost of a trigger part on an Anschutz. I think I made out on that one.

That particular stock was finished in oil instead of automotive clear (hate that chit!)

As point of total novelty and uselessness that rifle was the first one in America chambered in 6mmX47 Swiss Match. I built it in 2001. I was getting once fired brass from the swiss rifle team via my little covert spy that made several trips across the pond each year. Made my own dies and David from PTG supplied me with the reamers.

Neat gun and shot really, really well. A guy in CA owns it.

Now onto another subject: I need an opinion.

We've got a Stolle action here that uses a carrier for the trigger. It's making the trigger hang low out the bottom of the McMillan stock. enough to collide with the trigger guard.

Soooo after careful evaluation I elected to modify the trigger bow instead of whacking off the trigger shoe. (I HATE cutting on triggers, just bugs me)

So, whatcha think? The shoe does NOT contact the guard at any point of its rotation. It's also clear on the sides just in case the shooter side loads the trigger a bit (NEVER in benchrest right??)

From all outward appearances it seems like it'll be ok to me. The slot in the middle isn't all the way through and there's still about .04 of meat between the gut of the slot and the top of the bow on the outside. I'd think that'd be fine for a prima donna dedicated bag gun. I've done this before with Grunig Triggers in Palma rifles but never a bag gun.


BTW the action sits EXACTLY on it's radius. 1.350 OD, .675" in and .675" out of the stock.


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Thanks Chad. That trigger gaurd looks good to me, I dont see why you even needed to ask but I guess its nice to hear from someone on the outside looking in.
Why not just trim the trigger shoe? I have had to do that a few times in the past and it worked out nicely.

The work on the Swindlehurst looks great. I am glad your working all the bugs out on Landy's rifle. You should have it down pat by the time I can send mine out. While your working on Landy's gun, this is the same action I spoke with you about, think about the trigger. I want to put something better on mine. Not sure if I want to use the Anschutz of G&E. We can talk more when I get out there, just want to get you thinking. By the way when you get around to my job, please feel free to post some inprogress pics. It will make the wait more painful.

Now onto another subject: I need an opinion.

We've got a Stolle action here that uses a carrier for the trigger. It's making the trigger hang low out the bottom of the McMillan stock. enough to collide with the trigger guard.

Soooo after careful evaluation I elected to modify the trigger bow instead of whacking off the trigger shoe. (I HATE cutting on triggers, just bugs me)

So, whatcha think?

I really admire your work, and I am more of a hatchet gunsmith, but you asked for an opinion, so here goes! I wouldn't want to trim the shoe, either, but the slot doesn't look right to me. I think I would have bent the guard down to clear the shoe. Make a wooden template with a curve that will fit, then bend the shoe down to the template with a soft punch from above. That's just me (flame suit on:eek:).

The trigger guard seems to sit below flush but its hard to tell. I would have cut the trigger because dirt will surely find a way to get in there. Nice bedding, Marine Tex? I haven't done any glue-ins nor actions without a recoil lug or lug surface. Is this going to be glued in and what clearance do you leave for the action screws inside the pillars?

The trigger guard is exactly .015" proud of the stock. This will be made up for when it comes time to lay on the paint.

As for dirt. When this thing is all done I doubt the owner will allow much funk to accumulate on the thing.

I shot two boxes of black box Eley through it today. No issues with the trigger. My only glitch was the extractor not catching the rim. A quick trip back to the shop solved that and it's running fine now.

Initial groups started showing some promise. I just blazed through the first box as getting a fresh rimfire bore to behave just takes lots of trigger pulls. The second box presented some nice groups.

Bending a SS sunny hill trigger guard doesn't work. I could have put an Anschutz on it as they have miles of clearance but they look a bit russian in a stock like this so I'm going to leave it as is. I think it'll be fine.

Marine Tex? No sir. Don't touch the stuff. I use a resin designed for commercial boiler repair.

It's coming together nice now. I'm going to wizz out an alloy buttplate in the morning and get it fitted so that I can get the stock off to the painter.

Cobalt blue with some flames should spuce it up pretty nice I think. I finished the barrel engraving tonight along with a half dozen other barrels that were ready.

Lots of work on the floor right now. Feels good to be around all this cool stuff again. Everything in the shop right now is a custom action/custom build. I like that.

My local camo painter stock guy came through with flying colors. He delivered a Desert Storm desert camo pattern job on a stock and it came out pretty dern good. I'm going to have to hit with some additional dull coat but that's it.

Oky doke. Off to bed!


Share Pictures


You have to promise to share pictures when you get the stock back from the painter ...... Please !

Chad, Superlative work and the pics are what keeps me going.
I think I see carbonfibre in the tool drawer too?
That slot in the guard bow looks innovative and who knows, may help the shooter in preventing side loading? Looks like a new trend to me.If he's not comfy with the idea (not functionality) will you have to redesign the bow?
ps- thanks for the smokes in the pic-I'm not alone ;)
No, that's not carbon in the drawers.

It's the sticky matting used in RV's to help keep the dishes from scootin around.

Carbon drawer liners? You guys are sick:D

Here's that camo stock. Airbrushed by hand.

I went out a month ago and bought an airbrush and all the chit that goes with it to do this. $300+ later I learned an important lesson. If I was meant to be a painter I'd of been painting stuff 20 years ago. I SUCK AT IT.:D:D

So I'll leave this to the experts.



Still in Texas. So I'm posting from my cell phone....what a royal PITA that is!
Anyway, look'n good & thanks for the pics.
Talk again in a few days.
