Lands End Benchrest Shooters Purpla Haze 2018


New member



The Purple Haze ended the 2018 Season for the LEBRS. And what a great year it was!

With record or near-record attendance at all three of our matches, and was a great time for everyone. A special treat this year was on Saturday, the 29th, we all got to wish our dear friend, Dan Dowling, happy birthday.

On Saturday we started off with the Light Varmint, which was the final leg of the four gun. At 100 yards mother nature kept us all hopping with twitchy winds and unpredictable conditions that kept everyone on their toes.

When the dust all settled, Tom Steiner finished the 100 in 3rd place with a .3174. (Yeah, that's right; I'm not kidding!) Larry White, the Old Sneaky Snake, finished up 2nd at .2662, and that Rodney Brown guy was right there, as usual, in 1st place with a .2194. And that, Old Sneaky Snake, Larry, wound up with the Small Group Lizard with a respectable .126.

After another great lunch, from the Have Cooker Will Travel guy, Lee, we got underway in the afternoon on the 200 with increased winds and more profanity. After the air cleared, the 200 wound up like this: Leon Noel was 3rd with a respectable .3744. And that Rodney Brown guy, was back in there at 2nd with a .3590. And Dave Tunbridge decided to make a run for it, and wound up 1st with a very nice.3580. The 200 Yard Lizard went to another Lizard, J.D. Goulette, snuck off with the Lizard with a .3230. Nice shooting with icky conditions!

At the end of the day, the AGG, sorted out like this: Leon Noel was 3rd at a .3769, Larry White, that Old Sneaky Snake, was 2nd at .3303, and that Rodney Brown guy won the day with a .2892.

Sunday morning saw the wind still with us, and we were at it again early on with the Heavy Varmint 200 yard. After sorting through more difficult conditions, John Verhagen, was 3rd with a .3818, and Dave Tunbridge, was still in there slugging at 2nd, with a .3776. And once again, that Rodney Brown guy, won the Heavy Varmint 200 with a .3521. And the Small Group Lizard was captured by Dave Tunbridge with a .193.

Sunday afternoon, after our lunch, we got started on the Heavy Varmint 100. And back in there still, is that Rodney Brown guy, with a .3172. And the Old Guy, Paul Snow, came sneaking in there 2nd with a nice .3148. Kelly Ellis, won the Heavy Varmint 100 with the respectable .2960. Dean Parker had a lucid moment and took the Lizard with a .150.

Sunday's totals looked like this: John Verhagen was 3rd with a .3671. Kelly Ellis stood his ground and was 2nd with a .3479. And that Rodney Brown guy won't leave us alone and won the Heavy Varmint with a .3447. Good shooting Rodney!

For the weekend totals in the two-gun, Kelly Ellis finished with a 3rd with a strong .3893. Larry White, Old Sneaky Snake, was 2nd with a .3805, and that Rodney Brown guy won the week-end with a .3119. If you mix Brown and White together, do you get mud?

In the three gun, Leon Noel withstood the test of time for a 3rd place at a .3130. That Rodney Brown guy stubbed his toe a little bit and was 2nd with a .2940. And Larry White, the Old Sneaky Snake, charged in there in 1st place with a nice .2877. Sounds like more mud to me.

And finally, the four gun, Leon Noel was in there strong with a .3501 and once again, that Rodney Brown guy, was out in 2nd with a .3094. And the Old Sneaky Snake, Larry White, won the four gun with a very respectable .3054.

Would like to thank everyone for coming. We had a really great season with a lot of fun with all of our competitors and friends. Look forward to seeing everyone next year! And don't forget to follow the Lands End Bench Rest Shooters on Facebook.

So until next year, see y'all later!

Submitted by Secretary, Mark Schwab and typed by my sister, Laura, CCR #1705.
Purple Haze

Thanks for the report. Hope to see you at some of the club shoots over the off season.
Kelly Ellis