killbough stocks



any of you guys using dans stocks. i am going to redo the calfee with a new stock and send it to brian voelker for some more work on it.


killough stocks ? didn't know he made his own....
yer redoin a calfeee.....i guess you'd paint a moostache on da mona lisa:D:D
new stock

well fred lets hear you opinion!!!

someone suggested speedys stocks but havent checked the price yet. i guess its only money.

J T R stocks are

made by robertson composites in canada.
I am one of the 3 amigos that invented that stock.

The main goal was tracking and it has achieved that. At the super shoot in 2009 the french were interested in getting some for fellows that can shoot.

At the 2009 world BR championships in south africa the Aussies (who won the team event) were more than a little mildly interested in this stock.

I am not sure you are at a level where you can fully take advantage of this stock but try one out and see.
Once they get into the hands of those who are capable (and not meaning to be disrepectful) they will be a valued commodity.

Unfortunately too many people blindly give a response macmillan without knowing what is out there,

also the robertson stock (a different model) dominately sillywet, as does eley ammo.

It will take a little while as folks dont restock their guns often or build new ones but when it does,

they are nicely built and are better in person than in pics,

also Robertson does the stocks for stiller (speedy version), borden and others like the UK f class version now out,

great stockmaker and one heck of a stock.

Jefferson the J in JTR:cool:
dans stocks

well my calfee has a crummy stock on it so i think you have convinced me to buy one.

i am a backyard b/r shooter but i like the best. what advantage would the speedy have over dans stock except for a lot more money.

thanks for the help

dan stock

now that was about a stupid question. i am ordering one when dan gets back and am debating the black/silver or the gold.

really cant make up my mind but i know this will go to brain voellker for my work.


without sounding like a commercial

perhaps I can assist

1. the difference between the speedy design is the following:

a. no pistol grip for your bottom finger to catch or the bags to catch especially if using a gator bag

b. thinner wrist so you can grip the stock easier for those who shoot holding the rifle

c.the stock angle is a litle steeper than the minimum the nbrsa rules allow (my comment here is that depending on the action used and the depth of it sitting in the stock some of the guns used ARE ILLEGAL according to the rules, we took measurements and found this to be correct but dont want to embarass those gunsmiths who have just overstepped the rules a little)

d. on the stock angle you can use the stock for score a little better as it tracks from the sighter to the record or in rimfire a little quicker than the conventional angle without getting to carried the other way.

e. the flat sides allow you to capture the stock with more pressure and still be legal by lifting the gun out of the bags (a friend can carry his rest to the loading area 50 yards away on his shoulder without the rest falling off that is how tight he has his other triangular stock mated in the bags, highly illegal)

e. most stock manufactures can not inlet or do a basic inlet as dan has and provide the ability to use almost all actions in the stock,

Other stuff, I have one on order for this winter for a 2013, a 1907 and 2 for the stiller rimfire actions. You can get them for most actions except maybe 50bmg, just ask dan when ordering or robertson if ordering out of the country, as the overseas folks can get it exported quite easy from canada.

Also the stock is built extremely well and maybe dans website explains it better or dan can assist, I am not a technical guy, just a shooter who has thoughts on how stuff should be done,

it was developed to compete against stocks that have a gel coat that breaks open and other issues.

if this post is in error please delete, it is not my intent to sell stuff

I DONT GET A PENNY FROM THE SALE OF ANY STOCKS , just the pleasure knowing they are out there and they work,

not being critical of any otehr stock or any person using a stock, but lets face it if the shooter is not really good then the product is not thought to work,there is a lot going on with stocks and that is part of the Issue with floating shots,

we need to talk about floating shots sometime, and the stock design with the bag tension and how to check on whether the pressure on the stock is the same on both sides and so on

so much to learn so little time

I am off to the usa at the end of the week for a months shooting so not ignoring this post just gone

(some think I have been gone for a long time)

thanks for letting me ramble
shot a 249 6 x in 20 mph winds yesterday with the stock on a 2013 with eley sport, not pretty but quick to aquire the target, lent the gun to a friend to play with in my absence, rimfire is fun stuff
the stock deal


thats just pretty good for ely sport wow. im about ready to call dan i have a call into brian and will probably drop ship the stock to him.

have you seen both the gold stock and the silver? which one do you like the best.


dans stocks

well i tried to order one of dans stocks today and nothing is stock. he has 12comeing in soon so i will have to decided whether i want the gold one or the black silver.

any of you guys want to help me make a choice.

friend cwop..if you use gold..send me $11,350 dollors and i will name it Fools Gold..and congratulate you when you shoot it:D
my stock choice

well now its a tie. maybe dan will send me 1 of each to look over. too bad i didnt know about the missouri shoot. im feeling so much better i may go to the nationals and pick it up from him

anyone know if he will be in st. louis shortly???



by the way the blue and silver is soooo tempting


that stock would be sort of heavy wouldnt it??

this is going to be a tough decision!!!

stiller website had nice pics of different colors

my recommendation is to see them in person and then it takes all of 5 minutes to buy it,


seriously on bothh counts ,

my thoughts is more vendors should post pics on the net or their website and once people see the colors they just call and order,
my stock pick

well dans the man for me and i think he is going to post better pictures. im still battling black silver or the gold one!
