Kettlefoot Gun Club update


Senile Member
Kettlefoot R&G (Bristol VA/TN) currently has a newer covered 30 bench range with concrete benches out to 200 yards, a 60 bench 50 yard/ 50 meter rimfire range with concrete benches where the World triple Crown match is shot each year with rimfire shooters from the US and several foreign countries.

In addition they are in process of finishing a 100 yard, 200 yard range for UBR benchrest. Opening should take place in the Spring of 2019. UBR benchrest is a new score benchrest game where each caliber 22, 6mm and 30 cal have their own targets scaled to make caliber diameter immaterial. This new range already has the concrete poured and covered firing line. New concrete benches are currently being poured.

This new range will also offer rimfire silhouette.

Also, newly purchased property is allowing a mountain top range with targets to 1500 yards.

Much of this info is available on the Kettlefoot web site.

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Sounds like

a fantastic place to shoot.

Regarding UBR....caliber is a factor in everything but UBR?
Sounds like good news for VA/TN area. I looked for any UBR info on their page but didn't locate it. There was a plan this time last year to hold UBR matches, but the proposed director decided he preferred rimfire and pulled out. Has that situation changed? As of yesterday, Danny hasn't posted the 2019 UBR schedule on the UBR web page. I do know there are a number of new ranges planning for competition this year and hope that Kettlefoot is one of them, even though I doubt I will make it over. This year, within driving distance for me(Middle TN), there are more matches than I can possible shoot. With the exception of the three months that have five Saturdays, there is at least one match every W/E and several on the same. It's a good problem to have. We hope to have our new range, near Lafayette TN, open in the spring, but if the rain doesn't stop soon we won't have time to get seed & straw in time for the March match. Our 40 bench shed is complete and the benches will be done in a few weeks.

a fantastic place to shoot.

Regarding UBR....caliber is a factor in everything but UBR?

Not quite sure what the question is, but caliber isn't usually a factor in UBR competition. The overwhelming majority of competitive benchrest rifles are chambered in some form of .308, .243 or .224. There are targets for each of these in UBR competition. So, the various .30 cals have no advantage over the other two. As you probably know, this is not the case in IBS/NBRSA VFS matches where the .30 has a distinct advantage. We do occasionally have a rifle in another cal say, a .204 or maybe a .264, but this is rare. I scored between 16 and 20 matches last season and nothing other than the big three were used.

Amen Mr. Fox.... Some folks just dont get it.... This Org fussing has got to stop, Were too few... If one likes the 30Br then shoot it. UBR offers 308 targets... But dont poke fun at something that is working..LW
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Sounds like good news for VA/TN area. I looked for any UBR info on their page but didn't locate it. There was a plan this time last year to hold UBR matches, but the proposed director decided he preferred rimfire and pulled out. Has that situation changed? As of yesterday, Danny hasn't posted the 2019 UBR schedule on the UBR web page. I do know there are a number of new ranges planning for competition this year and hope that Kettlefoot is one of them, even though I doubt I will make it over. This year, within driving distance for me(Middle TN), there are more matches than I can possible shoot. With the exception of the three months that have five Saturdays, there is at least one match every W/E and several on the same. It's a good problem to have. We hope to have our new range, near Lafayette TN, open in the spring, but if the rain doesn't stop soon we won't have time to get seed & straw in time for the March match. Our 40 bench shed is complete and the benches will be done in a few weeks.


There has been a person assigned to this new UBR range at Kettlefoot. A retiree, Mr Jennings (Jenkins?). I met him yesterday at the Meadowview Gun Show but I am terrible on remembering names.

Thus new range is about 90% finished. I drove on it last week.

I think a lot of us don't get it

Amen Mr. Fox.... Some folks just dont get it.... This Org fussing has got to stop, Were too few... If one likes the 30Br then shoot it. UBR offers 308 targets... But dont poke fun at something that is working..LW

All those Mickey Mouse classes, etc.

All those Mickey Mouse classes, etc.


The only class that matters to you is the one you shoot in. The game is working at what everyone cries most about...bringing new and existing shooters to matches. Nothing Mickey Mouse about that. If you get a chance to shoot a UBR match, I think you should give it a try. They are obviously getting something very right but no matter the game or the rules, you can't make everybody happy all the time. Show up and shoot!
You don't have to worry Bud

Pretty classy coming from a guy who calls a kid an a**h**e for doing the job his employers paid him to do. Don't bother coming to our matches. You wouldn't like it at all.


The last time I went to Disney Land it was for work and I didn't like it that much. :)

I looked up the numbers of shooters

The only class that matters to you is the one you shoot in. The game is working at what everyone cries most about...bringing new and existing shooters to matches. Nothing Mickey Mouse about that. If you get a chance to shoot a UBR match, I think you should give it a try. They are obviously getting something very right but no matter the game or the rules, you can't make everybody happy all the time. Show up and shoot!

The other day, just to see how many shooters were shooting IBS VS UBR to see how much growth there was. Over two hundred shooters shot in IBS VFS last year vs 16 in UBR Factory Class, 17 in Modified class, 20 in UL and 21 in Custom. Unless there is a deeper list than was posted in the UBR site, it looks like a pretty small org to me. Where is the growth? 74 shooters? How many shooting more than one class?

About 7 years old?

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The other day, just to see how many shooters were shooting IBS VS UBR to see how much growth there was. Over two hundred shooters shot in IBS VFS last year vs 16 in UBR Factory Class, 17 in Modified class, 20 in UL and 21 in Custom. Unless there is a deeper list than was posted in the UBR site, it looks like a pretty small org to me. Where is the growth? 74 shooters? How many shooting more than one class?

About 7 years old?


I have no idea what numbers you are looking at, Pete. Again, show up and shoot. At least you'll know what you're talking about. I can't recall an IBS shoot with 200 shooters either...or even half of that. I plan to shoot both next year...Maybe I'll see you somewhere and you can explain it to me, if you're still actually shooting, away from your keyboard. By my count, last year's UBR 100-200 Nats had 76 shooters. The IBS 100-200 Nats had 46 shooters to compete at 100 and 200, including the 3 hunter class shooters.
I'm not knocking either one but I just don't have a clue where you got your numbers. County Score Nationals 102718.pdf
Mr Waas,
I have no idea what your problem is or why you insist on trying to tear down something that you have no part in. You seem to have some perception that there is some kind of competition between IBS and UBR. That is quite simply not the case. I know many who shoot in both and many who happen to be good friends of mine. In fact, Danny Hensley who started and owns UBR won an IBS National Championship a couple of years ago and Mike Niblett (who passed away a short time ago) competed in both and also won an IBS National Championship. I don't know all the reasons that Danny started UBR, but I do know that the results have been quite a few new shooters entering the game. In the competitions I direct the majority never even shot in an IBS match. They are new to the game. We nearly lost all benchrest competition at our old range when we were holding IBS matches due to the fact that shooters were compelled to compete only in custom class which is an expensive startup. In contrast, when potential shooters ask about UBR I can tell them that they can compete with any rifle they choose as I have a class that will work. Some are satisfied to compete in Factory or Modified and some choose to invest in custom or unlimited rifles. But the bottom line is, they all can compete and most enjoy it and stay around. The point is, UBR is drawing new shooters into the game not stealing them from IBS or anyone else.

If you think I am trying to persuade or change your mind, please think again. I have only related this for reasonable people who will read this thread. Mr. Ezell has urged you to attend a match. That would have to be somewhere other than the matches I direct. Not only are you not wanted there, but should you show up would be refused and escorted from the range. You are not wanted. Go somewhere else and spread your poison attitude. It is people like you who give benchrest competition a bad name.

Rick Fox
Pretty easy

I have no idea what numbers you are looking at, Pete. Again, show up and shoot. At least you'll know what you're talking about. I can't recall an IBS shoot with 200 shooters either...or even half of that. I plan to shoot both next year...Maybe I'll see you somewhere and you can explain it to me, if you're still actually shooting, away from your keyboard. By my count, last year's UBR 100-200 Nats had 76 shooters. The IBS 100-200 Nats had 46 shooters to compete at 100 and 200, including the 3 hunter class shooters.
I'm not knocking either one but I just don't have a clue where you got your numbers. County Score Nationals 102718.pdf

Just look on the IBS site in the shooter of the year results. It shows the names of everyone who shot and how many matches they shot. I then looked at the year end results for USBR and it listed the numbers of shooters for each class. The numbers of shooters at the Nationals is only one event, not many people today spend the money to travel to far distant places yet shoot somewhat regularly at or close to where they live.

You folks

Mr Waas,
I have no idea what your problem is or why you insist on trying to tear down something that you have no part in. You seem to have some perception that there is some kind of competition between IBS and UBR. That is quite simply not the case. I know many who shoot in both and many who happen to be good friends of mine. In fact, Danny Hensley who started and owns UBR won an IBS National Championship a couple of years ago and Mike Niblett (who passed away a short time ago) competed in both and also won an IBS National Championship. I don't know all the reasons that Danny started UBR, but I do know that the results have been quite a few new shooters entering the game. In the competitions I direct the majority never even shot in an IBS match. They are new to the game. We nearly lost all benchrest competition at our old range when we were holding IBS matches due to the fact that shooters were compelled to compete only in custom class which is an expensive startup. In contrast, when potential shooters ask about UBR I can tell them that they can compete with any rifle they choose as I have a class that will work. Some are satisfied to compete in Factory or Modified and some choose to invest in custom or unlimited rifles. But the bottom line is, they all can compete and most enjoy it and stay around. The point is, UBR is drawing new shooters into the game not stealing them from IBS or anyone else.

If you think I am trying to persuade or change your mind, please think again. I have only related this for reasonable people who will read this thread. Mr. Ezell has urged you to attend a match. That would have to be somewhere other than the matches I direct. Not only are you not wanted there, but should you show up would be refused and escorted from the range. You are not wanted. Go somewhere else and spread your poison attitude. It is people like you who give benchrest competition a bad name.

Rick Fox

Keep talking about UBR as if it is sweeping the country, it's not. I think it's structure is absurd and why I'm not interested in it. I think it's perfectly fine for me to rebut the whole Growth Statement that is constantly spoken of. If you folks want shoot where you do, it's fine with me but just be honest about what you're dealing with is all. It isn't as if Score Shooting was born a half dozen years ago. UBR is a new twist but it is far from a do all end all in the view of quite a few people. I've been shooting in and running Score Shooting matches since the middle 90's. I have no desire to shoot at any of your events so there won't be any need to escort me anywhere. If we can't discuss things like this openly and honestly, where are we as adults?


The other day, just to see how many shooters were shooting IBS VS UBR to see how much growth there was. Over two hundred shooters shot in IBS VFS last year vs 16 in UBR Factory Class, 17 in Modified class, 20 in UL and 21 in Custom. Unless there is a deeper list than was posted in the UBR site, it looks like a pretty small org to me. Where is the growth? 74 shooters? How many shooting more than one class?

About 7 years old?


It's probably a good idea to know what you're talking about before you start making pronouncements. The listings you saw were those who qualified for SSOY in the four classes. It had nothing to do with the total number of shooters. And for that matter, why would you even care?

It's probably a good idea to know what you're talking about before you start making pronouncements. The listings you saw were those who qualified for SSOY in the four classes. It had nothing to do with the total number of shooters. And for that matter, why would you even care?


Rick, there are a few shooters that are a lot of talk but not much walk!

Met with Kettlefoots David Jennings yesterday and they are already on the UBR schedule for 2019.

Rick, there are a few shooters that are a lot of talk but not much walk!

Met with Kettlefoots David Jennings yesterday and they are already on the UBR schedule for 2019.

Thanks Jerry,
I am going to make an effort to find the time to get over there. I love the area and there are plenty of good shooters. I've heard about that range for years and look forward to shooting there.

Keep talking about UBR as if it is sweeping the country, it's not. I think it's structure is absurd and why I'm not interested in it. I think it's perfectly fine for me to rebut the whole Growth Statement that is constantly spoken of. If you folks want shoot where you do, it's fine with me but just be honest about what you're dealing with is all. It isn't as if Score Shooting was born a half dozen years ago. UBR is a new twist but it is far from a do all end all in the view of quite a few people. I've been shooting in and running Score Shooting matches since the middle 90's. I have no desire to shoot at any of your events so there won't be any need to escort me anywhere. If we can't discuss things like this openly and honestly, where are we as adults?



Since Mr. Wass seems to be obsessed with UBR even though he says he has no interest, but doesn't seem to be capable of running the numbers, I took a few minutes to add up some things. While I know he doesn't care, others who read this thread may be interested. I might add that every time he goes on a rant about how stupid UBR is, Danny and I get calls and emails requesting information and sample targets. So for that I thank him.

Between February 17 and June 30 of 2018 there were approximately 200 individuals who participated in Ultimate Benchrest matches in the Central South and Midwest. Since most shooters attend the same matches throughout the season I didn't bother to total the rest of the year, but rather scanned the results for names I had not seen previously. The final total for the year was probably about 210, but may have been a few more or less. That's close enough for rock & roll. There were matches held at twelve ranges in eight states if I didn't overlook any. In addition, I personally sent out targets to several other ranges in other states as far west as KS and TX. I know Danny sent out several including some to AZ. That doesn't seem too bad for something that has only existed seven years and started with one range. I think the numbers Mr. Wass referenced had to do with the top scores of those who qualified for SSOY in the four classes, but I can't be certain.

The 200 shooters competed in all four classes. Many shot in two classes at the same match. All classes shoot together and the scores are separated at the end of the relay. Match results can be found on the UBR web site if anyone other than Mr. Wass has an interest. The numbers would indicate that our little game is attractive and is drawing in new shooters who have not been previously involved in benchrest competition. I believe that to be a good thing and does not take away from the fine work the IBS and NBRSA are doing. I'll be happy to share information and send sample targets to anyone who has an interest. I can be reached at or 615-405-8622.

Rick Fox
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I've got no

It's probably a good idea to know what you're talking about before you start making pronouncements. The listings you saw were those who qualified for SSOY in the four classes. It had nothing to do with the total number of shooters. And for that matter, why would you even care?


ox in this pull. So how many individual shooters shot UBR last year, not including any who shot multiple classes? Tks