Kansas State Varmit For Score Match at Mill Creek Range Sept. 24th & 25th

Barrel Saver

New member
Next weekend is the first of what plans to be the annual Kansas State VFS Match. Beginning at noon shooting 100yd and then 200yd stages Saturday. Sunday morning will be the final 300yd stage. Any bolt action rifle weighing 13.5 lbs or less with any power scope, fired single shot per NBRSA rules is OK.

Hunter Class will also be offered concurrently, for those who choose.

Y'all come and see if ya can hit the X's with your favorite bench rifle! :
Good Weather on Tap

T.K Weather man calls for sunny skies and nice temps high 70 on sat, It was a little cool cloudy and misty last weekend at webster city,so weather looks to be just right. Hope we have a big turnout for the 1st State VFS match and Mr.Turnbull takes it easy on us 30BR guys with his 6ppc LOL. Ron Shultz runs a great match so come on out,it will be fun.
Wish I could be there. :( But a recent eye injury will be keeping me close to home.

Best of luck to everyone....Mill Creek is always a ball. -Al
Ron Schultz had a great turnout = 32 shooters for the VFS KS State Championship. I don't know all the scores, but Don (I'm converting to a score shooter (I can't wait till he reads this)) Crunk took home the 100 yd. TK Nolan won the 200. Terry Tholen (sp) won the 300 and the Grand. (I think that is correct). Tim Henderson (who just got done shooting a 500-37X at Webster City) took some wood home. New shooter Shane Kesslar (sp), from Lincoln area, also shot very well the whole weekend and took home some of Ron's oak tree. Mill Creek had Hunter class as well, and Ron Schultz won it all.
It was great weekend - conditions on Sat were pretty switchy. Nobody stayed clean at 200. Sunday - geez.......mirage was so bad 6 cal shooters had no hope of seeing their bullet holes the whole yardage. Most of the time - the 30's couldn't either. Every once in a while you would get a glimps of them and have to make needed adjustments from there. Not only was the mirage bad - it would also switch on you and run just as hard the other way. Many times it would switch before the flags. Oh baby - that caused some double whammies
Thanks Ron for all your hard work and organization. See ya next year.

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