Jean-Louis aka THE PIGMAN


I am truly touched to inform that my friend and benchrest team mate of 22 years Jean-Louis Espinet aka the PIGMAN didn’t survive an heart operation this week in Paris and passed away yesterday. He came to benchrest in 1992 from high power rifle shooting when we first met and managed to keep both activities for a while until concentrating exclusively in our favorite sport. He was a fierce competitor and a truly straight character always ready to help anybody and lately devoted a large part of his time and skills to help developing the 22 rimfire Hunter Class competition in France and turn it into the success that it became. He will be missed and our benchrest matches in France will never be the same without his famous songs when the Mistral was blowing. My thoughts and prayers go to his wife Wanee, doughter Fee and family.
I hate to hear this sad news. Too many of the great ones have passed away lately. The SS will not be the same without the pigman. Although his height and pig hat were very noticeable, so was his excellent shooting. He will truly be missed and my condolences go to family and friends. James Mock
I knew Jean Louis - I shot against him in several World Championships. He was a big jovial Frenchman, and a tough competitor as well.
He will be sadly missed.

Brendan Atkinson
South Australia
Good bye great french shooter, ranges will be alone without you.
MY condolenses to the family and friends of Jean louis.I am truly sad to hear this.I did not know him personally but had talked to him on the phone a few times .I was shocked to hear that he was calling from france .He said he was shooting at the super shoot he wanted a cartridge dispenser and would pick it up at the super shoot and mail me a check when he got to Kelblys place,I talked to George Sr and asked do you know a person called the pigman?He wants a holder shipped up there and he will get it there . He said "OH YOU MEAN JEAN LOUIS WELL SURE JUST SHIP IT HERE AND I WILL SEND YOU A CHECK "I told Mr Kelbly no worries and he did not have to do that I can wait for Jean Louis to send a check,George said Jean Louis was a good buddie and friend so he was glad to do so . Everybody spoke very highly of him and to come from france to compete showed some real dedication to the sport.

Tim Sellars
Sorry to hear about Jean-Louis' passing. I will miss seeing him at the Supershoot. It was nice talking to him in his home country last year and competing against him.

Wow, another friend gone.
I got to know Jean-Louis at the Super Shoot and then again in the last 3 World Championships. He was a huge figure in the World of Benchrest, not just from his happy nature, capable of making anyone smile, but also from his ability to run an international match as was exemplified this year in France.
Everytime I saw him we would practice each other's language; me with my broken high school French, he with his (better) English. I will miss hearing "Larrie are you shooting like a little girl today?". It would just go down hill from there...
Rest in peace my friend. Say hi to Art and David for me.
Larry Costa
Each year I would bring Heinekins to the SS for Pigman and Carlos. I will miss hearing his jovial remarks in that regard....and his funny looking headgear as well.