Jay Lynn Gore is having health problems

Butch Lambert

Active member
Jay Lynn called briefly and said he was in Baylor Hosp. I knew he was going to have a stent put in but they saw spots on his spine, liver, and someplace else. Said they were going to check further. He said they think that it is cancer. They wheeled him out as we were speaking.
Say a prayer for our buddy.
Jay Lynn is in good spirits. He is scheduled for surgery next Thursday to put a rod in his leg. May be as a result of his bone cancers. The Doc said his cancer has slowed down. After his cancer issue is behind him he will need a heart valve replacement. I don't know if they have scheduled a surgery yet to remove the big tightwad issue that he has had most of his life.
Jay Lynn is in good spirits. He is scheduled for surgery next Thursday to put a rod in his leg. May be as a result of his bone cancers. The Doc said his cancer has slowed down. After his cancer issue is behind him he will need a heart valve replacement. I don't know if they have scheduled a surgery yet to remove the big tightwad issue that he has had most of his life.

Now Butch, you know that just aint right.:)