Is Lawton Machine out of business or going out?


Russell Childs
Got a friend who is having Lawton Machine fit a barrel to one of their actions for a rifle build. Over two months ago he was promised the barreled action in 6 weeks. He has since left several messages(nobody answers the phone anymore) and sent approximately a dozen emails that haven't been answered. Lawton has half the money for the build and have seemingly fallen off the map. My friend is starting to get worried because he can't get anyone to respond to his messages/emails.

Not here to bash or bad mouth anyone. Just asking if anyone has any information about Lawton. Anybody having issues or heard anything. Thanks in advance.
if they wont answer phones, or return emails over a reasonable period of time, contact the ATF. they dont play well with FFL's that screw over customers. i would exhaust all normal avenues of contact before resorting to that though.
Russell, I had a simliar problem with a gunsmith in Pa. about 10 years ago. He wouldn't answer the phone of answer my letters. I called the BATF and they said they couldn't tell me if he was still in busniess or not but they told me that if I was unable to get my gun back I should consider it as stolen and go to the city where the gunsmith was located and file a stolen property report. I wrote another letter to the gunsmith telling him what I was going to do and within a week my gun was back.
Russell I had a simular problem with a gunsmith in Pa. about 10 years ago. He wouldn't answer the phone or my letters. I called the BATF and asked if they would find out if he was still in business and they said they wouldn't do that but if I sent my gun for repair and could't get it back this is what I should do. Consider the gun as stolen and file a stolen property report to the police in the city that he was in. I wrote another letter to the gunsmith telling him what I was going to do and within a week my gun was back.
I will pass that on about contacting BATF. Being a credible name like Lawton, I can't imagine them stiffing anybody. This guy has had several instances where he has corresponded with them through both telephone and email. Everything was going to plan and when he thought he was about to get his barreled action, they suddenly wouldn't return messages or emails. I do hope this situation works itself out without resulting in any type action being taken. My friend mentioned to me that he had heard that the owner of Lawton had died but didn't know when because I asked. Can anyone verify that?
Barney Lawton did die some time back. I do not know particulars, despite having heard some things. As it wasn't a concern to me, I never really paid attention to those conversations. About all I could do is spout off rumors. I could guess at things like a scheduled shutdown, or something like that, but a guess is all that is. I do not think I would get overly concerned till I had solid information telling me to do otherwise. We've all heard of people in the gun business doing stupid stuff. I'd be thinking that before assuming I was getting hosed, at least in this case.
big names sometimes hit hard times. about 9 or 10 years ago renowned browning hi power pistolsmith kurt wickman fell off the face of the earth, and he had many customers pistols in his posession. it took the ATF's involvement to get all the missing pistols back where they belonged. they would not help with the lost money or the rusty incomplete custom work, but the postols in whatever shap they were in did make it back to their rightful owners.i agree filing with the police as stolen guns would also be a good step.
I tell you its a shame really. Those Lawton action although nothing fancy do shoot very very well. I hade a 30BR on Lawton 7500 action and i wish i had not sold it. ANyway this isnt the first post of this nature regaurding Lawton. Actually its pretty common. I wish you all the best, i really do. Lee
As of April 2011 Lawton Machine is restructuring it's management personel.
Recently spoke with "JOHN" (did not catch last name) regarding ejection spring and plunger for my 7500
and he sent those pieces to me a week later. so they are still in business, but making changes.
