IR50/50 Nationals


Thanks to all who made this years Nationals a success. Full results will be posted on the website this afternoon.
Thank you Wayne , Jim and Tom for a well run match! Congrats to Bruce H. and Mike C. for the new world records shot ! Nice 750's on Sunday as well. Good shooting with ya'll . Thanks Kaye and Anna for all the cooking. Nice to shoot with the big guns..Fred, Gene, Tony, William and Keith and the others who shot so well.. Also, Thanks Gordon Eck for the nice rifles that did well on the Sporter targets.. Looking forward to next year's Nationals.
Great Shoot

Wayne, Jim, Bill and sure put on a great shoot at the Nationals. Thank you all so much for all your dedication and hard work in organizing and running a shoot like that. For me it's always a high point of the year to come down to Kettlefoot and shoot in the Nationals. Not only is the shooting fun, but you meet so many great people while you are there. Put me down for next year.
Gene Stroyan
What an experience!

Thanks Wayne, Jim and Bill for a great match. Kay and Anna, thank you for the wonderful lunch's and your efforts. It was great to put faces to the names that I have been reading so much about, as expected a great group of men, it was fun shooting with all of you, especially Fred and Barry my neighbors throughout the weekend. Bill, thank you for going out of your way to help me get my bolt back together.

Best to all, see you next year,