IR 50/50 3-Gun Illinois State and North Central Regional meters results and 6-Gun


Active member
Chief City Shooters, just north of Pontiac, IL hosted and finished the Illinois State Championship and North Central Regional Championship today shooting meters. Weather and conditions were vastly different than Saturday, as the scores will show. I would like to personally thank our club president Dave Warmker for his help scoring, target frame moving/removal, and general help in administrating the tournaments. I could not run these matches without him and all the others who help put this weekend on. Also, my thanks to our referees for their help in match administration and range setup/teardown.

Last, but not least, the many travelers who came to shoot with us! I was a seasoned traveler and know what it takes to shoot good scores on the road. It can be difficult. Kudos to those that drove a long way to participate, greatly appreciated! Results in the attachment below.



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