Installing 20moa Rings...


What all is involved in properly installing 20moa rings? The rings will be Kelbly rings and will be going on a straight rail Panda. I assume the rings are tapered and mounting distance is critical. Since the distance is critical, I would think getting them perfect would be hard to do, so lapping is pretty much needed? Who makes a nice lapping bar?
20 MOA rings

I wasn't aware there were 20 MOA rings, just bases, where did you find them? Burris rings with posi align inserts can be offset for windage or elevation and don't require lapping, but may not match or fit your rail. - nhk
screws on the left
odd numbered ring in the front
5.800" outside to outside
Hope this helps
What all is involved in properly installing 20moa rings? The rings will be Kelbly rings and will be going on a straight rail Panda. I assume the rings are tapered and mounting distance is critical. Since the distance is critical, I would think getting them perfect would be hard to do, so lapping is pretty much needed? Who makes a nice lapping bar?

Correct, correct and correct....... and the alignment/lapping stuff you NEED is found here > <

These ARE Da' Schnizzle........ there are others, Brownell's, Sinclair et al and they're all poor imitations.

The Kokopelli square-bar concept is patented and the other companies in the world refuse to pay the requisite royalties so Kokopelli IS and WILL BE the Real Deal, the best.

Just Do It


Since the rings are aluminum...will the lapping compound embed into the aluminum? Is there special compounds that won't embed?
I do 'em alla' time. Did aluminum yesterday, washed it off with isopropyl....... I'm pretty crazy/anal and improper with my mounting techniques but see nothing improper about this pertickler part. I use isopropyl alcohol, benzene, acetone or any brand of gunscrubber/brake cleaner etc that's close to hand and have never had any trouble getting rid of residue of Clover or Kokopelli compounds.

I charge $125.00 to mount a scope and it's worth every penny.

Since the rings are aluminum...will the lapping compound embed into the aluminum? Is there special compounds that won't embed?

If you lap with a silicon carbide (like Clover Brand valve compound) compound it will embed. Use an aluminum oxide based compound.

the embedded grit will mar the scope if you try to rotate it in the rings. Otherwise the embedded grit will help hold the scope in place. Just think about what is happening.
I will 2nd the Kokopelli Kits. By a stroke of luck I found them many many years ago when I started shooting and bought 1" and 30mm scope bar & lapping kits. I've used them for a lot of ring mounts and loaned them to friends, nothing but + + + + + + + results. Good equipment.
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Thanks for the very helpful replies. I knew there was a better lapping kit out there compared to the Sinclair kit, but could not think of the name. Once I get the rifle back from the smith, I will order a Kokopelli kit and aluminum oxide compound.
OK..... looks like I may have been guilty of giving inaccurate information. The lapping compounds I have used include the stuff that comes with the Kokopelli kits, (GREAT stuff, oily base) the two different grits that come with the Sinclair kits (not so smooth, pasty base) and Clover brand "general purpose" from a hardware store. (thinnable, greasy base) and I've never had anything "embed." I can't imagine it doing so. After I'm done I run my lily fingers around inside the rings feeling for sharp beasties and have never encountered any. Nor have I ever marred scope.


If some of the stuff actually gets into the AL then by all means listen to the guys who HAVE had the requisite experience and go with the safe stuff. Know this though, the stuff that comes in the Koko kits works just easy as pie. Just make SURE you clean it all off!

Once you've actually used the Kokopellis, once you've actually SEEN that even Davidson/Kelbly's need work, you'll NEVER AGAIN just screw down a scope.

Now there are those who insist that the SCOPES themselves are crooked and out of round and to these folks I say, go soak your collective heads ;)

Or go to the next step and actually hog out and glas-bed every scope.
