Inaccurate size group report?

I am thinking it is my age. For years now they have been teaching this new math in schools.
That must be the case here.


They need to get the correct meas. tools! These groups are not what they say they are by NBRSA standards!
Impossible to tell

Without knowing what size the bullet is making thru the paper ( different grades of paper make different sized holes) or knowing what sizes those targets bulls eyes are how do you judge?
Sometimes just have to trust that someone prepared to do all the testing and provide photos knows how to measure JMO though.I may be to trusting but I don't think they look to bad.
kind regards Ben
It's a virtual impossibility for a group separating two holes with space to measure less than a single diameter. Some of those small .200's have almost a full bullet hole between them.
This guy isn't even close on most of them.

P.S. 30 years of group shooting.
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Without knowing what size the bullet is making thru the paper ( different grades of paper make different sized holes) or knowing what sizes those targets bulls eyes are how do you judge?
Sometimes just have to trust that someone prepared to do all the testing and provide photos knows how to measure JMO though.I may be to trusting but I don't think they look to bad.
kind regards Ben

It's rather easy. Two holes cutting into one another will be sub- diameter. Two separated by space cannot possibly measure up to less than a single hole diameter. Easy to determine that much wether reduced, blown up or full size.
Using that for comparison

I wonder how big my avator group is...
If you shoot just a normal paper photocopy of a target you get a much larger hole than if you shoot a target made out of a much heavier paper like most targets are made from, well they do when I shoot them
Not looking for a blue, but I would give the guy kudos for posting his results , not question his measuring ability. I assume he measured them all the same way so the comparison should still be valid.
Don it is tiny

I reckon it is tiny, they allow 0.221 here for a single shot so measure its outside diameter and take 0.221 off it.
They look like they all followed each other into the same hole.

regards Ben
Hey, European rifle metric groups. Those must be centimeters.

Jet, give those bullet holes a .221 diameter. A group of five holes stacked on top of one another and you just can't get a group size as shown. Like Tim said, two shots with space between is not a sub diameter group.

Ken Henderson
I don't know about centimeters

I think he jumped all the way to meters....
ok fair enough

I was trying to give the guy a fair go I can't help myself,but you are right.
There defiantly is a fair gap between a lot of those groups.
Seems like an awful lot of effort to go to and not be able to measure correctly doesn't it.
Problem with the test is also that every batch of ammo seems to shoot a bit different even in same brand and type.
Then what shoots in one gun doesn't always shoot in another.
I just use Eley match and try and find a good lot. I am tempted to try Tennex but Match is expensive enough.
What do you blokes shoot?
Don what ammo did you use to shoot that great five shot group in your avatar?
kind regards Ben
That one group is under a .100 for sure!!

I wonder how big my avator group is...

Looks like the bullets in that pic almost went through the same hole and I know it's under a .100 for sure!! I measured a few of those groups with my target calculator, they are double the size that is shown on most of the groups (.071 group is really a .178)!! I have to say they used a lot of different ammo in this test? The rifle looks like it will average in the .300's to me!! Just saying is all, a average high end rifle!!
You have posted this on other forums. I'm sorry, but are you looking for attention? I believe he is testing different ammo and posting the results. Regardless of the posted measurements you can tell which works well in his cheap rifle. Take the post as intended and quit jumping around on different forums to get a little attention.
Hi Butch

No, not looking for attention. I was just posting this to different forums to let members know that the reported groups sizes, although relative to the other ammo group sizes, was not as good as reported. Although all the work and money put into the testing was overwhelming the report was flawed by improper group measurements.

I still have that wonderful Martini Mk II by Kenyon you sold me and am loving it and still thankful you sold it to me.

Hope all is well you you and your family.
