
Bill Gammon

New member
This article is for humorous side of Benchrest only. Things that you or some else has done that was funny. So here goes.

#1 Don't be the first! you could end up with a blue butt.
#2 I did not realize that paper could be made that thin
#3 NEVER, NO NEVER, go into one with a cell phone, bolt or anything loose in your pockets.
I take it you were the first AND lost your cell phone!! The problems you have when I don't show up.

Jeff Aberegg

I know a shooter who swears that he lost his bolt in a "Port-Ta-John" at the Super Shoot a number of years ago.
He related it rode the "Pile" quite well and "Fished it out quick".
Never like shooting that gun again--stated he could still "Smell It" when getting down on the gun to look through the scope.
That was his last year to the Super Shoot.
Yes, he has sold the gun.
Sometimes we never know why (Or where its been) a gun is for sale at such a "Good Deal".
If your shooting a used gun maybe you should "Smell the Bolt"

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This article is for humorous side of Benchrest only. Things that you or some else has done that was funny. So here goes.

#1 Don't be the first! you could end up with a blue butt.
#2 I did not realize that paper could be made that thin
#3 NEVER, NO NEVER, go into one with a cell phone, bolt or anything loose in your pockets.

Bill, ask Wilbur, he has a very funny story to tell about a happening at Kettlefoot (Bristol).
If you've never had the pleasure..

This was the most dreaded experience in the nation at the time. Claude Smith did what he could but it was bad when we got there - much less Saturday afternoon with 70 Competitors present. Took the picture in jest and originally titled it the "baddest of the bad".
