Hummer rifle


Active member
Just curious if anyone has or have ever had a rifle that they would consider a hummer rifle? One you would never ever, ever sell!! Not just a barrel but a rifle that just flat a-- shoots. Pretty much no matter what barrel you have on it. I Think i have one! It just seems no matter what i do with this rifle or what barrel i out on it, it will shoot. I only wish this rifle was a LV rig and not a HV rig. Everything on this rifle just works well!! Some guys like to talk about hummer barrels, and that great, but i am kinda wondering if there is more to the hole story than just the barrel? Just for fun, what do you fellas think? Lee
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If had rifles over the years like the one your speaking of. No matter the brand or configuration of the barrel, it just shoots better than anything else.
I've also had a few guns that seemed to go together well. I used all the best components,actions, triggers, barrels and stocks. No matter what they were only adquate. I've pulled tham apart and checked everything and when they went back together again nothing changed. I've sent them to very experienced friends who also took on the challenge to find the problem with no success.
I can only say that these two examples are just part of the mystries of life...
Here is mine.I to have had all the right componets assembled by top smith and it was mediocre at best. I said i like this ah just throw that to gether and it will be a cool varmit rifle if nothing else and i end up with a heavy varmit rifle that has shot ,My guess over half of its five shot groups in the mid .100 some smaller than that and some bigger.
Been the most accurate rifle i ever had, now why ? i have no idea.


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Lee, don't get too carried away. All other things being equal a HV WILL shoot better, especially for a beginner, just because of the extra weight that eliminates some shooter handling error.
I understand that conrad, but i have been shooting all my life in one form or another. There is something special about this rifle i have. I think we all have one, or have had one at one time or another. Sometimes everything works together and sometimes its just another rifle. pretty common story, but i thought it would be fun to talk about. lee
This is a testament to how many good barrels we have out there these days, obviously there are some combinations of components that are better than others but if you put a truly bad barrel on that action it too will suck, perhaps less so than most others but no rifle can shoot without a good barrel.

There is no such thing as a hummer rifle. If there were, an otherwise average shooter would suddenly be winning fake-wood trophies on a routine basis. Hummer barrels come and go, but an entire rifle? Not.



There is no such thing as a hummer rifle. If there were, an otherwise average shooter would suddenly be winning fake-wood trophies on a routine basis. Hummer barrels come and go, but an entire rifle? Not.



Not sure how that would be true Ray. I don't imagine a hummer barrel would perform to its fullest on a less than a good rifle. And if that is the case, a great rifle would outperform a good rifle. So a hummer barrel on a great rifle would probably qualify as a hummer rifle, don't you think?

And I do have one of those.

Yeah, but the IP referred to a hummer rifle as one that performs no matter what the barrel.
OK, I see

Yeah, but the IP referred to a hummer rifle as one that performs no matter what the barrel.

I see what you are saying Ray. Just personal experience but I have had 3 barrels on this one particular rifle and they have all shot equally well, consistently. I can't imagine I've had 3 hummer barrels in a row. I can't help but think every other component of the rifle has to be just right for that to happen…unless of course I have been real lucky all this time. If so, I probably should have been investing in lotto tickets rather than BR.

Ok, I think we can all agree that some rifles shoot better than others. Unless my situation is way different than other, which i doubt, i have a black rifle that simply out performs any other rifle i have, with the same barrel being used. Example= I have a brand x barrel and i put that Brand X barrel on my Green rifle and shoot it. My agg may be a .260. Not bad but it could be better. I take that Brand X barrel and i put it on my Black" so called by ME hummer rifle" and i can shot a .200 agg or smaller. Everytime and honestly with every barrel i own. Ive tried it. My Black rifle just shoots better.... I didnt mean for this to be controversial or anything, just sharing my experience and wondering if anyone else had the same experience? Thats all, just for fun!! Lee
Lee - I don't think anyone is taking this thread beyond what you intended. Any discussion between shooters can result in differing opinions but they don't have to be controversial or confrontational.

Never underestimate the power of confidence in your equipment. A shooter who is prepared, and feels that his rifle and ammunition is better than the guy on the next bench, has an edge to start with. If you think you have a hummer rifle, that may be enough to make you a better shooter. OTOH, if you think your rifle is a POS, your groups will probably reflect your attitude.

built-in confidence

Ray, I'm completely with you.

The confidence one feels in equipment and preparation is huge to success. Last Saturday's 300yd score shoot here in Seattle was an example of that for me. I could not find my first sighter shot because it had practically taken out the x. Once I saw where the rifle was hitting, it felt like I could cruise rest of the day with that set up. Of course, it helped that I was shooting that "hummer rifle".

Screw a factory Remington barrel on and report back, lol.

Now that funny right there.

I know i'm going to get in trouble for this one but i have witnessed a reworked rem barrel(ackley improved) shoot 5 shot groups in the .100's at 100yrds and not one group but several .
When you have in your hands, what you believe to be a true hummer gun, head to your local bench with
some extra scopes. Shoot a few groups with each. likely you will be as surprised as I have been. On
top of a hummer gun is also a hummer scope and they are not that common.
Care to elaborate on the Mr Harren? I am never sure how to take your famous one liners. I sure hope your stating this in a respectful manor, as i have always shown you the up most respect. Lee