How old does THIS make you feel.......Elvis's Grandaughter just got married.

Younger than Elvis, my granddaughter isn't married yet and I hope not for a while. She still has 2 years college plus med school.

I do remember when dirt was invented though.
Jackie I don't need Elvis' grand kids to remind me that I am old. I have one grandson who has graduated from college and a granddaughter who is in the Marine Corps ( or as Barack would say Marine Corpse). Although I am not quite as old as Dick Wright, I think it is about time for me to bow out of Benchrest shooting. I do plan to go to the SS this year to say goodbye to the many friends I have made. Good shooting...James Mock

Your company is always welcome and if I have to carry your equipment to the bench at the SS and your loading equipment to your loading bench and even help load your car for the trip home you just say so if this will keep you shooting.

Thanks Russell. I may have to take you up on that offer. I remember the year that Mike Ratigan was "down in his back" and went on to win the Super Shoot. Maybe that could happen to me :confused:. Good shooting...James
James you can't quit now. Russ and I are just getting started. We'll try for that HOF, what ever that is!!

Redcoats, Brits, didn't we run them off from somewhere?
You know you are getting old...

when you have two daughters, both going thru menopause. Also, when you have several great-grandchildren.

This made me think of something... a few years ago I was at the SS and shooting next to Ferris Pindel. It was the last time he shot there. (The old buzzard could still shoot well.) Anyway, every time Ferris came to the bench, Jim Carmichel was there lugging and putting Ferris' stuff on the bench. He didn't make a big deal of it... he just did it quietly and went to shoot himself. I knew there was some reason I always admired that guy and his writing...
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? Elvis's Grand daughter

I thought Elvis's grand daughter married Michael Jackson many years ago.

Maybe your talking about Elvis's Great Grand daughter, eh?

Nat Lambeth
when you have two daughters, both going thru menopause. Also, when you have several great-grandchildren.

This made me think of something... a few years ago I was at the SS and shooting next to Ferris Pindel. It was the last time he shot there. (The old buzzard could still shoot well.) Anyway, every time Ferris came to the bench, Jim Carmichel was there lugging and putting Ferris' stuff on the bench. He didn't make a big deal of it... he just did it quietly did it and went to shoot himself. I knew there was some reason I always admired that guy and his writing...

If Ferris was still shooting competition that would have been 2000 or earlier because I had Leupold put a 3/8 dot in a scope for him in 2001 when Allen Tucker was still running the repair shop so he could shoot some at home. He had a bench in his back yard.

Carmichel and I have lunch together every Thursday. I'll tell him you ask.

Edit- I just happened to think, Ferris was reloading with Jim back then.
Edit-wrong date/

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It was well after 1990 because it was well after I started writing for PS. When I was about the only benchrest writer around, I used to get put next to Tony at a lot of matches. Then, for a couple of years , it was next to Ferris. I started writing for PS in 1991.

One year at Kelbly's I had Carmichel on one side and Tony on the other. I'll never forget shooting a good group and having, first one and then the other, say, "Nice group, Dick."

I just kinda beamed inwardly. Alas, that was about the only good group that week.

Them was good days...

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I figure I have a few years left before I will be seriously old. I try to ignore the fact that my sons are 47 and 32. My oldest grandson is 19 and in college. I figure I have at least five years before I am a great grandfather. It is odd really. Most of my life I was the young guy among a bunch of friends that were 5-10 years older than me. Suddenly I became the old guy with a lot of friends 5-10 years younger than me with no period in between where my friends were my age.

These days every guy I meet who is close to my age assumes I am younger and talks to me like a wise old man, talking to a kid. Within minutes they start describing their heart surgeries rotator cuff surgeries and artificial joints. I seem to be the only 67 year old guy around whose body parts are mostly original equipment from the manufacturer.
It was well after 1990 because it was well after I started writing for PS. When I was about the only benchrest writer around, I used to get put next to Tony at a lot of matches. Then, for a couple of years , it was next to Ferris. I started writing for PS in 1991.

One year at Kelbly's I had Carmichel on one side and Tony on the other. I'll never forget shooting a good group and having, first one and then the other, say, "Nice group, Dick."

I just kinda beamed inwardly. Alas, that was about the only good group that week.

Them was good days...


Dick, I got my decades wrong. It was after 2000 NOT 1990. Ferris didn't get really bad eyesight till about 2001. That is when I bought his 40 degree PPC tooling and he and I worked together, over the phone, for some time. I wanted to name the cartridge the 6-40 Pindell for 6mm 40degree but he didn't want that. I guess he thought Dr Lou might not like it. So I named the first one 6-40 Dune and the long necked one 6-40 Tyger.

I shot the 6-40 Dune in competition from 2002 till about 2008 in 100/200 and 600. I shot he 6-40 Tyger from 2008 till 2012.

EDIT- I guess I get to keep that jug of Brig322 I got from the Mike Walker estate Carmichel and I helped with and brought to Holton last year for you??

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I have a lot of Scottish 322 and I'm selling all of it to a local shooter. I just won't be using it any more.

Sorry I missed you at the Nats. I was there for a while but got tired (I do that a lot nowadays) and went home.
