How is Larry Baggett doing??


I talked to Larry Sunday evening to update him after we finished the Buffalo match. He’s doing great, just can’t do much for another week to recover. I’m sure that right after his Dr gives the green light that you can find Larry ether in his shop it out at the range! He needs practice, he’s down 40 quarters so far... ?
I talked to Larry this week. He had a couple of stents put in and is doing well. He will find out from the doctor when he goes back whether they need to do any more. When they did the stents there was an artery that they couldn't get to because of a reaction to the initial medicine and they ran out of time to do it something to do with the dye. Right now he can't lift any more than about 5 to 10 pounds. I expect he'll be back up and going stronger than ever by the Cotton Boll match at Lubbock. Holton may be a little too soon for him to make it. He was in pretty good shape for making the US teams for Canada next year.
He sounds good. I talked to him a couple of days ago. He's pissed about the 5lb deal but he is in good spirits. The main trouble they had was finding a doctor that could find his heart! I heard that it took two or three specialist to finally locate it. Just kidding Larry. He is my mentor and gunsmith and most importantly he is my FRIEND. I think the world of that old SOB so he better get better because I've got some barrels that need chambered. See you in a couple of weeks Larry.
Proof that Baggett has no heart

At the East West this year I was leading light 100 thru 4. I heard they had posted the 5th match. On my way to the results Baggett stopped me and shook my hand. He said “congratulations on your finish”. I said, did I win ? He said “No,, I passed you with an 079!” Then laughed!

Great guy. Get well fast Larry.