Hey, Wilburrrrrrr!

John Kielly

Shari's fan club
I'm having difficulties navigating the new software.

When I log in, I get the acceptance window, but then pass on to the top level which doesn't acknowledge that I'm logged on, nor does it give me the option of checking posts since last visit - just posts in the last day.

If I try to post, it tells me that I'm not logged in & has the login option below - same as if you timed out on the last iterations. If I then login thru that window, I am in (for the moment at least) & serching unread works.

Essentially, there seems to be a hole in the loop between the login & acceptance boxes & the members' area.

Dammit, why is it always me who has issues here? :mad:


PS: The smilies look pretty wishy washy indistinct this time too, but I don't want to upset you about that as well. :rolleyes:
Hey, John; you might try logging in with the "remember me" box checked. Sometimes on the old site, I'd get dropped, then when I started logging in that way, it seemed to, well....remember me. I wish there was the "new" benefits, but the old "homey look"; the new format is a bit of a shock, and the smilies aren't distinct.
Hate to hear you're having issues. Sounds that it may be a "cookie" issue. Probably something will work itself when your browser settles on the new cookie. If you are still having problems, go to:


Open a new support ticket and let me know what kind of browser\version you are using and I'll try and help get that cookie cleared.

I'll be on the lookout for better smilies.


No, that's never worked for me. One of the first things I found out is that my PC recognizes this site as https or equivalent & even EI won't store my name & password for it, unlike every freaking firearm site that I frequent, hence my comment in the earlier post.

Even this time, I coundn't log in by trying to answer your posting. I had to pull yours down as a quote, log in & then delete your quote & type this reply.

I am peeved, but not surprised. It's happened too often now to be any more concerned.
Then I logged out - after I read all the new positings of interest - and logged right back in!

Hey, Hawkeye, I can go out; I can come in!