Hey alinwa

You heard?

HOLEY cow man, today I was pumped, I got to drive my work truck clear to the house instead of walking in a mile.

3/4 ton 8-liter Suburban w/lockers and chains on all four corners, was wondering if I could get the kids to church on time.............

but it's fading fast as we speak ;)

Had 24 inches at my house. Branches took out my satellite and chain link fence. Ripped off my gutters!


Tree at the end of our road looks like a bomb hit it. it's sprawled out like a 60ft octopus from the owners front window to clear acros't Yacolt Mtn Rd....good traction though, I got a good launch off it to bash thru and out to the plowed road.

upon reflection, it looks EXACTLY like a bunch of the volunteer maple stumps around the place after we bombed 'em....big ol' circle of limbs.


Nothin' all winter, over here in "lake effect country". Weird, lookin' at that old trusty snow shovel, sittin' all lonley like, in the corner of the back porch. Where's that E-flat harmonica of mine ?( can you hear-- that lone--some whipp--or-will )
Yeah, I feel real sorry for you guys.
see the thing is Joel, we ain't geared for it out here.

I growed up in MN, heck my wife's a Yooper, I've been to Calumet in Feberwary........ I SEE'D me some snow..... but snow-by-the-foot on Clark County WA is like loggers in Texas, rare to say the least.

Small world, My mom's from Calumet. We might be related ? What's Mr's Alinwa's maiden name, French or Finlander ?
Finnlanders all. Not from Calumet though, scattered from Houghton/Hancock down to Baraga/L'Anse. Niemela, Leo Niemela is(was) my father in law.

You may have heard of Volcano Stoves, Air Check vending machines, Boss plows, Blizzard plows, Somero Laser screeds...... yeahh I've got some friends in the Yoop.

Don't know d'ose Maki gurls but I know d'er brudders....


Weirdest "lake effect" in that area is Painesdale where you can drive 3mi from Houghton and see the snow go from 2ft to 6ft deep!
Small world afterall,
Yeah, I remember being up there one old time crazy winter to see family.The entire UP had snow plowed so high next to the roads it was like driving through a tunnel system. An Olympic luge run in a blue and white '56 Chevy Biscayne with 4 bald tires and 5 screaming kids( me included)in the back seat.Nobody knew where they were until you came flying out of the snow schuss. I don't know how we survived those days.
Small world afterall,
Yeah, I remember being up there one old time crazy winter to see family.The entire UP had snow plowed so high next to the roads it was like driving through a tunnel system. An Olympic luge run in a blue and white '56 Chevy Biscayne with 4 bald tires and 5 screaming kids( me included)in the back seat.Nobody knew where they were until you came flying out of the snow schuss. I don't know how we survived those days.

Ohh yeahhhh, me and my buddy dated girls up there while we went to school in MN..........leaving MN in the late evening, acros't W'skansin to Birch Hill (Ironwood) where the snow really starts then following plows at 2:00AM while half-crazed from snowflies as it was. Then get "close" like Hwy41 but still have a mile or three on back roads, no idea if they've been plowed or not..... sneakin' in....good times.

Snow??? I dont know let me check the weather, probably not, its suppose to be 78 degrees here today.....:p
Cant figure out where winter went. Gonna have a mild cold front through tonight. Temp is suppose to drop to 74 tomorrow.
Suppose to go to the range. Hope it doesnt get to cold.)chill(
62 in lovely aurora yesterday...
going hand gun shooting today...only 50 or so..

mike in co
Talk about a small world. Have me one of them Volcanoe stoves; a Defiance ll that is. Bought it in the early 70's during the first Arab Oil Embargo. Well made, generates a lot of heat. Haven't heard anyone mention them in years.
HI all, Got me one them Blizzard plows back in 03. 810 model. Great rig, But retiring it now as them southern boys bought the company for the patents. (Douglas Dynamics- Western, Fisher, and now their version of the Blizzard line) DD computerized it, even there own techs can't figure them out when they up chuck. So got a new Boss VX, Uses the kiss principal. Snowing all day today, Might get up 6" was a toasty 2 degs this morning. Heat wave for Sunday mid 30's.
HI all, Got me one them Blizzard plows back in 03. 810 model. Great rig, But retiring it now as them southern boys bought the company for the patents. (Douglas Dynamics- Western, Fisher, and now their version of the Blizzard line) DD computerized it, even there own techs can't figure them out when they up chuck. So got a new Boss VX, Uses the kiss principal. Snowing all day today, Might get up 6" was a toasty 2 degs this morning. Heat wave for Sunday mid 30's.

dude, you ARE a local :)

Yeahh, when Wally designed/built them and owned the company they WORKED. The boys are down in Baraga now designing a huge hydraulic equipment hauler for the military, hope it takes off for them.

I don't miss that snow, ours is all gone already.....I do miss fried northern....luckily the best walleye fishing on earth is only 30min from here though.

I get by.

It's gonna get down to 53* here tonight they are saing on the weather chanel. Guess I'll have to switch from AC to Heat :).
Talk about a small world. Have me one of them Volcanoe stoves; a Defiance ll that is. Bought it in the early 70's during the first Arab Oil Embargo. Well made, generates a lot of heat. Haven't heard anyone mention them in years.

If you're in Minnesota you might have bought it from my dad :) he was the MN rep for a while.

Snow. What snow? Hardly any of that stuff here in Man E Toe Bah.........

Cold. What cold? Hardly been cold here in Man E Toe Bah until this past week. Had a few to many cups of caffeine and needed to make a road side pit stop in the BALD Prairie. Well ended up with a LONG icicle stuck on the end of the drain pipe. Sure wish I had stopped near one of them oil drilling rigs and used some of that oil to ignite a flame to thaw the poor little fell'r.........

Winter wheat is just that this year, winter freezing wheat. Freezing their bare little butts laying in that there soil with NO warm white blanket.

Snowmobiler's are crying the winter blues. Music to my ears though as I sit in the comfort of my home counting down the hours to Championship Sunday....... Go Pat's Go...... Go Giants Go..........

Cold? 'AT'S not cold..... Central MN was cold.... I mind as how when we was kids we'd be out making firewood and we'd build us a fire around ten-o-clock. We had to put a tarp around it to keep it lit. After coffee we'd pull the tarp back and let 'er freeze up. You break that frozen fire up and you could keep it handy, just don't put it in your pocket!

Anyways, when we'd stop again we'd just stick a chip of thet froze up fire on the birchbark, blow on it and FOOM!


Nice place to be from. Spring was awesome 'cept for that first day when all the winter farts thawed out.......

anyways, I don't miss it :) It's 55degrees outside, little drizzle. Think I'ma' wander out and check the mole traps.

Heck al, all I ever heard of Minnesota was it was 9 months of winter and 3 months of bad sledding.