HELP Classifieds Ads are Not Getting Approved


New member
HELP Classifieds Ads are Not Getting Approved

Who can I contact about this? I am paying for the ads in advance through PayPal but then it says need admin approval but nobody ever approves.
Okay, maybe I'm not utilizing the classifieds correctly. Looking at them a few minutes ago it looks to me like there are a grand total of 17 ads. Are there more than this that I'm not getting to?
Does anyone look at the classified ads?

Ohh Yeahh.... this is helpful 10ring. Stand around the body and kick it and comment that ""it's looking perty sickly"

This way of thinking is the problem with America today.

The man paid money for a service.

The man PAID for a service.

Whether or not this service is "necessary" or whether or not this service is useful or whether or not this service "gets looked at" is completely irrelevant. Some folks likes pork chops, some folks likes ham hocks.............but no folks when asking for bread wants to be issued a stone.

I just went thru the classfieds yesterday, and while it was disheartening to see just how the mighty has fallen, my gut response was "Thank You Elmer For Keeping The Old Girl Functional"..... and my hope is that Elmer will find time to answer you phxshooter as he's the only "admin"