Harrison Sportsmans Club - Group Match Saturday May 11


Al Walewski
The Harrison Sportsmans Club will be hosting a 100 yard Group Match on Saturday May 11th. Gates open at 8:00am, firing will begin promptly at 10:00. Best bet is to get there early for bench selection and to get flags set in a timely manner. You can also email me if you'd like to reserve a bench with another competitor. The entrance fee is $13 this year. We'll also run a cash option for an additional $5. Beverages and donuts will be available.

I've got benches reserved for Joe & Ron, Rick & Dudley and Jim & Larry...

Also, our friend Buffalo Bill is presently a patient at a hospital in Southern Michigan. I haven't personally talked to Bill, my understanding is that when he went on a hog hunt down it Texas a few weeks ago he came down with an infection which has seriously impared the use of his hands/arms. My thoughts and prayers go out to Bill for a speedy recovery. His assistance with running the Harrison matches is going to be missed...

Al Walewski
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I will see you there Al.

See if you can find out any info about Bill and we can send him a card or something.