Harrison Score Match Results


Al Walewski
The final match of the season was held at the Harrison Sportsman's Club this morning. We couldn't have asked for better weather for a Score Match. After firing was complete the final results are:

1st. Tom Majewski 250-23X
2nd. Jim Hutchison 250-22X
3rd. Rick Averil 250-20X

In Custom Class
1st. Jeff Aberegg 250-19X
2nd. Kevin Dinkel 248-9X
3rd. Mitch Tannehill 244-9X

Congrats to Tom and Jeff, some great shooting was displayed by a number of competitors. I believe this is Tom's personal best score of his Benchrest shooting career.

Also awards were handed out for the Shooter Of The Year for both Score and Group matches. In Group Match (no surprise here) Brian Albee had the best agg over the course of the season. Second place is Ron Breedlove, third went to Al Walewski. In Score Match Al Walewski had the highest score for a sum of four matches. Second is a tie between Brian Albee and Tom Majewski.

Thanks to all those who've came out and shot a match or two with us this year. This season was definitely a big success! Also a BIG thanks to Bill who called the matches, to Glorya Wright who also had a hand in running the line and to Dick Wright for his help behind the scene. Looking foward to seeing everyone back next year.

Mike, It's been a pleasure!

The complete match results along with the season totals are included in the attachments.

Al walewski


  • Sept 12 Score March Results.pdf
    54.6 KB · Views: 160
  • Score Match Season Totals.pdf
    7.8 KB · Views: 132
    5.5 KB · Views: 122
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Great job this year, Brian, Al an Ron. Al an Mike get the clap for putting on a great match, thank you very much!!!!!!!!!

Jeff Aberegg
Great Season

Today was the perfect end to a great season. Congrats to all who participated throughout the year and Thank You for helping to make it a great season.
Anyone that has any ideas or suggestions, please give Al or myself a call or e-mail.
