Harrison Results


Al Walewski
Here's the results from the 100 yard group match held at the Harrison Sportsman's Club today. After some gusty winds that switched 180 degrees instantly the first two places were seperated by only .0008" at the end of Match #4.

1st Place Jim Hutchison.......... .2914" agg.
2nd Place Tim Bassham......... .2996 agg.
3rd Place Larry Gage............ .3016" agg.

Match winners were Ron Breedlove .190, Brian Albee .198", Larry Gage .179", Jim Hutchison .252" and Bill symons .148" (also smallest group of match).

1st. Bob Zimmer........................ .6764" agg.
2nd. Bob Jones......................... .899" agg.

Congratulations to the winners! Good to see old friends and also some new faces show up for a match.

Full results along with equipment list can be viewed in the attachment


  • May 2 Results.pdf
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Boy, you got these results posted...

quickly. A couple of things...

This Bassham guy claims to be a new shooter. In view of the old shooters he beat, I'm kinda wondering what "New" is.;)

Didn't I hear a rumor of somebody shooting four into a .040" group and making a "Six" out of it with his fifth shot? You know anything about that?:)


The group that was a .040" ended up going to a .390"

This group was a flat .100" until the last shot. We heard this one from inside the range house.:D

The Rest Of The Story

The truth be told, I did not expect my first shot to be out yonder so I was playing chase. The rest of the story is, that nine oclock wahoo was actually shot number four. What you heard up and down the line is what is known in the law enforcement field as a,"spontaneous utterance" and in this case unprintable.
Everyone had a great day, despite the gusting wind. I heard more then once that it was the windiest day anyone could remember at the Harrison range. We actually had two shooters that were new to the sport. That is always encouraging.
Let's bring up who came to the range and neglected to bring a gun...
Do the initials D.W. mean anything to anyone. Mmmmmm.

Harrison Sportsman's Club

The Harrison Club is one of the jewels of Michigan.
A nice and cozy club. Easy to find. Coffee and donuts. Take your time.

Had a great time, Sat.
Until D.W. let the "cat out of the bag".
I had heard, a few fellows, say the new guy was winning. I thought, they meant the other 2 new guys.
I found out after the 3rd relay. When I was introduced to D.W.'s wife. The famous Glorya(hope I got that wright). That I was the new guy winning.
Anyway, it was still a good time.
The new guy lead by .008" after 4 relays.
And the new guy got 2nd place by .008".

Mike and Al did a great job.
A lot of good shooters were there. A tough crowd.
And I got to meet a Precision Shooting writer, Dick Wright.

Oh, yea. The wind was terrible.
The ride home. 3 hrs. Very windy. Hard on the hands.:eek:

Thanks. Tim B.
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You hit the nail on the head. Our matches are fun and friendly but there ain't nobody that's gonna give you nothing. Everybody busts their butt and then sincerely congratulates the winner. It's called "sportsmanship" and it is not common to all benchrest matches.

If I recall, you were ahead by .0008" after four. That's eight ten-thousandths. Anyway you took second. The first and third place guys both have benchrest Hall of Fame points. You were in good company.:)

It is "Glorya" and everybody else was happy that she wasn't shooting. All the old timers have been beaten badly and lots by the Child Bride.

Come back next match. I'll try to remember my gun.

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You write a good story. It was good to meet you. I enjoy your stories.

And thanks for the help.
It was a good day. Wind and all.
The bad part was the drive home. Next time, we will enjoy a burger before the drive. Might thin out the crowds on the freeway.

How does someone that shoots for 32 yrs forget his gun???????

HOF. Wow.
I recognize Bill and Jeff from WWCCA. Jim H. and Larry, I just met.
Yes, we were in good company. Nice guys and all.

Mike's target is real good. I would have thought he found the hole. And the last one, the wind moved it all.

I started running benchrest matches in 1977. Most of the time since I have gone to the match, shot, scored, etc, etc... It felt immensely good to simply do nothing Saturday. I'll get the gun going and be ready for the next match.

Next match...

will be a score shoot on June 13th. There is also another group shoot in June on the 27th.

We have a rimfire shoot on May 23rd. As always we have a factory class so you can bring your squirrel rifles.
