Harrison, MI 2021 100 yard schedule

We are again holding our 100 yard matches at Harrison this year. The gates are open at 8:00 and the fun ends at 9:00 AM with the first shot. The five matches this year will again be on the third Saturdays of May, June, July, August, and September. That would be May 15, June 19, July 17, August 21, and September 18. We shoot Factory, Custom, and Varmint For Score with prizes awarded in every class that has three shooters contesting. We expect to see the same old faces and hope to meet some news ones. Jeff Aberegg and Jim Dyke should be there from the West Coast. Eric from the Bay and me from the Lake Huron shore hope to be there, we better be. We hope the guys from Posen and Rogers City are coming and the same goes for the guys from Glennie and East Tawas. Then we have the guys from mid-Michigan or Midland. I hope I missed a bunch of guys and hope they come to tell me I missed mentioning them and their big cities.
Maybe Francis' finger slipped on the keyboard while he was reaching for another BIB bullet to seat. I checked online about the Bud Lake Bar and it appears to be open now. We can stop in there for the recalcitration meeting after the match!
You know, I posted that as 90:00AM and I knew that was wrong so I corrected to 9:00AM and knew that was wrong and corrected to 90:00AM again. My fingers just didn’t want to type in 10:00AM, which is the right time. So......we start at 10:00AM
Got that? We start at 10:00AM
I had a couple e-mails yesterday about the Harrison matches so I guess the guys are getting itchy trigger fingers after our long winter of discontent......or is it malcontent?