Harrison matches


Anyone know if there will be matches at Harrison, MI. this year? I haven't heard anything. Thanks.

Jeff Aberegg
Yessir, Jeff.
The matches will be the third Saturdays of the months of May, June, July, August, and September. Iosco Sportman’s Club will hold their matches on the first Saturday of May, June, July, August, and September at their East Tawas Range.
Thank you. Talked to Dudley today. We both have Hunter class guns, I know you and Paul have one so..... let's get a class together??? You know I don't like driving over two hours to shoot one class. Make it happen. Maybe Eric will want to run with the big boys!!!

Jeff Aberegg
Score only, John.
We no longer have a moving backer system at Harrison and I won’t run group without them.

Francis, we get along fine at River Bend without moving backers. If anyone shuns us for that reason it's their loss. :)
If you’re talking about 22RF BR, not that I know of. In the factory class there are those who shoot 22-250 and I’ve shot 220Russian but no RF.