Gulf Coast Regional Championship - Denton Tx. (Part I) May 31 - June 1st.


The North Texas Shooters Association will host the GCR Championship (Part I) on May 31st - June 1st.

This will be SP / LV with 100 yards shot on Sat and 200 yards on Sun.

The range will be open 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. on Friday for setup and practice. The Range will shut down Friday 4 P.M. to setup for the match and will not reopen.

Lunch is not provided - suggest everyone bring a snack or we will break for runs to the Subway.

Weather is looking to be great for us (not a flood like last year) - looking forward to seeing everyone.

Any questions contact Michael Stinnett ( or 214-794-8006)

2014 GCR Championship - Part I - Results


When you going to post some results? Sorry I couldn;t make it out. Wished I could.

First - thanks to everyone for taking the time to participate in the GCR Championship. Two items of interest:

1 - DICKIE PUSTEJOVSKY shot a potential World Record SP 100 Yard group .037
2 - Congratulations to Gary Walters on his first Two Gun win.

Rank ShooterName LV5-100 LV5-200 SP5-100 SP5-200 GrandAgg
1 WALTERS, GARY 0.2698 0.3483 0.2364 0.3689 0.3059
2 STINNETT, MICHAEL 0.3072 0.2828 0.3354 0.3089 0.3086
3 LONG, TOMMY 0.2776 0.2861 0.2542 0.4314 0.3123
4 PUSTEJOVSKY, DICKIE JR 0.2756 0.3036 0.2162 0.5186 0.3285
5 Sewell, Ron 0.312 0.4083 0.2506 0.3993 0.3426
6 Bristow, Gary 0.2444 0.3028 0.2554 0.6121 0.3537
7 PENTTINEN, DOUG 0.3252 0.3692 0.2246 0.5082 0.3568
8 WILLIAMS, DAVE 0.3032 0.3547 0.3034 0.5016 0.3657
9 KUBON, JOE 0.2728 0.308 0.3758 0.5156 0.3681
10 HUNTER, SCOTT JR 0.338 0.3419 0.2634 0.5543 0.3744
11 WHITMAN, DARRYL 0.401 0.3729 0.3036 0.4312 0.3772
12 Harris, Matt 0.489 0.3908 0.3494 0.4318 0.4153
13 RHODES, WENDELL 0.383 0.3775 0.7008 0.4842 0.4864
14 Cohen, Lew 0.402 1.4876 0.332 0.7113 0.7332


  • SP5-200.pdf
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  • SP5-100.pdf
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  • LV5-200.pdf
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  • LV5-100.pdf
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  • SP Grand.pdf
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  • LV Grand.pdf
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Congratulations GARY!!!

Congrats on winning your first 2 GUN!!!!! =)

May there be many, many more.....

Denton Shoot

Even though the attendance was low everybody from what I noticed still had a great time. The Denton range may look easy to shoot from time to time but it will give you a good A$$ whooping if you are not paying attention. And you cant out guess that range either. Just try it sometime and see what you get when you look thru the scope....

This weekend was no different at 100 & 200...

I would like to thank our friend and fellow shooter Dr. Tim for calling the match this weekend. Did he ever get into it. If I was thinking I would have taken a video and posted it on you tube, it would probably go viral and could make some money to buy more bullets..........LOL.... Between Dr.Tim and Ron Sewell cutting up with everybody all weekend it was great

Would also like to say great job to a good friend Gary Walters for his shooting and his first 2 gun win... Awesome job and look forward to shooting with you in Seymour in a couple of weeks..

Dickie, what can you say man, other than great shooting all weekend and awesome fricking 100 yard group, sure hope it hold for you...

Need to also thank the 2 man target crew, hope everyone put a little something in that tip jar for them 2 kids....

All in all it was another shoot come and gone with fun, wind, clouds, sun, and some good mixed with WTF made that bullet go their times..

Need to also say a big thanks to Mike Stinnett for taking the time to hold the match. With out him there would be no Denton Part one shoot and one less match for our schedule...

Last need to once again thank all the shooters who got up and made the trip to Denton, put $$$$ of fuel in their transportation and made the shoot. Look forward to seeing all you guys in Seymour in 2 weeks for the final leg of this 4 gun kick butt and take names shoot to see who will reign as the 4 gun king this year...

Take Care and keep burning the powder...
2 Gun Correction

Guys, I must apologize to Brandon as I finger checked the reports and he was not included in my posting find the correction below!


Rank ShooterName LV5-100 LV5-200 SP5-100 SP5-200 GrandAgg
1 WALTERS, GARY 0.2698 0.3483 0.2364 0.3689 0.3059
2 STINNETT, MICHAEL 0.3072 0.2828 0.3354 0.3089 0.3086
3 LONG, TOMMY 0.2776 0.2861 0.2542 0.4314 0.3123
4 PUSTEJOVSKY, DICKIE JR 0.2756 0.3036 0.2162 0.5186 0.3285
5 Johnson, Brandon 0.2920 0.3252 0.2664 0.4718 0.3389
6 Sewell, Ron 0.3120 0.4083 0.2506 0.3993 0.3426
7 Bristow, Gary 0.2444 0.3028 0.2554 0.6121 0.3537
8 PENTTINEN, DOUG 0.3252 0.3692 0.2246 0.5082 0.3568
9 WILLIAMS, DAVE 0.3032 0.3547 0.3034 0.5016 0.3657
10 KUBON, JOE 0.2728 0.3080 0.3758 0.5156 0.3681
11 HUNTER, SCOTT JR 0.3380 0.3419 0.2634 0.5543 0.3744
12 WHITMAN, DARRYL 0.4010 0.3729 0.3036 0.4312 0.3772
13 Harris, Matt 0.4890 0.3908 0.3494 0.4318 0.4153
14 RHODES, WENDELL 0.3830 0.3775 0.7008 0.4842 0.4864
15 Cohen, Lew 0.4020 1.4876 0.3320 0.7113 0.7332