Great Turnout at Tomball

jackie schmidt

New member
We held our first of the new season Tomball Club Match this morning and had 44 shooters come out. The day was beautiful, the conditions pretty tuff.

The results

Factory Class:
Larry Saavedra.......242 5x (won tie breaker)
Paul King...............242 5x
Paul Dermody.........239 3x

Modified Class:
Glenn Oakes..........250 17x :D
Blake Perry...........246 10x
Paul Dermody.......243 9x

Benchrest Class:
Darrel Martin.........250 21x
Nick Marino...........250 20x
Catalin Login.........250 17x
Ron Parker............250 16x
Eddie Carter..........250 15x

We had 33 shooters in the "Benchrest Class" which is for all purposes Varmint for Score. Of these, only 1/3 stayed "clean", a testament to the tough conditions.

Our next match will be March 6. I would like to ecourage more Factory and Modified Shooters to come out and give this a try. You would be hard pressed to have this much fun for 15 bucks...........jackie
Jackie whats up with that.
I dont see your name anywhere on the list.
Didnt you shoot today???
Or were you shooting that new 17 cal....?
Vern, I am the Match Director. I do not shoot, I devote my time to calling the Match, and making sure that the everything runs smooth. ........jackie
Jackie, Just curious - what qualifies for your modified class? Denton has started a factory class but you can't change anything about the gun other than bed the action I think. What is the "modified" at Tomball? Thanks, Tim

Good shooting Darrel Martin, Glen Oakes, and Larry Saaverda. You guys did a great job while the rest of us could not find the answer.
Glen's 250-17x modified score should be the new Tomball club match record score in the modified class. I think it is the second 250 to be shot in the modified class at Tomball and easily beat my 250-11x score. :)

Tim, the Modified Class is supposed to represent a Rifle that a shooter has built from a magazine action, either custom or Factory, it cannot have more than a 2.5 inch wide forearm, and Factory designated "Target Rifle", such as the 40X, Savage F-Class and Benchrest. Yes, this is pretty close to a Benchrest Rifle. In the beginning, we were going to limit it to mass produced "Factory" actions, but with the advent of the Stiller and Borden "drop in" actions that are about as economical as a completely trued Remington, I decided to allow these.

Granted, a hot barrel on a Modified Rifle will just about shoot heads up with a true Benchrest Rifle, and cost the same to build, but that's life.

The Rifle that Glenn Oakes shoots was built by Jim Borden, on one of his aftermarket Remington Style drop in actions, the stock is I beleive a Borden that looks a lot like the HS Precision Stocks that Remington uses on the Heavy Barrel 700 Varmint Models. It is chambered in 30BR.

Our Factory Class excludes Factory designated Target models, all you can do to the Rifle is bed it, and adjust the trigger if it does have an adjustable trigger.

Out Benchrest Class is simply "any legal firearm".

Of the 44 entrants this past Sunday, 33 were in the Benchrest Class.........jackie
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Thanks Jackie. I have been talking with my local gun range about trying do a group and/or score component of our annual turkey shoot. We have no BR shooter that I am aware of but lots of hunters that want maximum accuracy. I would like to have more people aware of the sport and though this might be a way to introduce the shooting format. We might try and add something that mimics a BR shot. Thanks again, tim
You fellas are making me jealous. I would give anything for spring or at least a half way decent day to go shoot a match. We have the Feb shoot in st Louis in a couple weeks but the long term forecast is looking like below average temps so i would just about bet it will be to cold to go. I sure hope not though!! My little 22 .100 short is shooting pretty darn good, and i need to get out of this house for a weekend! Great shooting fellas! I told my wife when we retire we are moving to Texas!! LOL!!! Lee
Benchrest Class Winner

Darrel Martin 250-21x


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"OUCH" !!! He must have forgotten to put that big NUT on the end of his barrel he calls a tuner.....Conditions must have been tuff on that 30....

Gary ! you can chime in anytime now Ha Ha Ha
So thats makes sense to me ... I think we now have our own version of DUI

Gary I hope you get the steering problem corrected..