Good Shooting 750 53X at Rimfire Ridge


Fred Sears

Good Shooting With 250s Shot by By Chris Peet (TX), Mark Taylor (LA), Cris Riddell, Connor Watson, And Very Good Shooting By (My Daughter) Charlottle Hammonds On Her 3 250,s at yards for a score of 750- 53X , I Am Pretty Sure This is the only 750 ever shot in Arkansas. Good Shooting by all. Fred Sears

Congratulations Charlottle on your 750.
Larry Burchfield
Is it not enough for you folk over there that your oldies shoot so well, now you have the young ones hitting 750's!

Well done that is excellent shooting young lady, keep it up & well done to Dad for supporting you.
Fred.............................................. ...................

Tell Charlottle congratulations from everyone in Georgia....that was sure some great shooting!! I bet the only smile bigger than hers was yours!!;););)
Congratulations Charlotte! Well done! Fred I bet you were happier than she was, and that's the way it should be! Great score!
Will anyone come?

You made a big mistake posting Charlotte’s 750 agg with 53 x’s from the last match!
(Do not buy a lot of food for your Regional - it could go to waste)
I doubt that Chris Peet, Mark Taylor or even Chris Riddle will show up after they were beat into the ground by Charlotte after their last match!! even thou the shot some 250's
Now your mission should you accept it is to let Charlotte put together an all Women’s team to shoot in the RBA nationals and represent the US in the World Postal!

You have set the Bar Very High for my Arkansas Friends

We are going to Honor the Lady with the Highest
6 Target Agg, at the IR 50/50 3 Gun Nationals Sept 26,27
I hope you can make it

It is hard to get ahead of an Arkansas lady. I know, my mother was born in Hope and you could never put anything past her.:)

Concho Bill

Fred, are you bringing Charlotte to the Crawfish next year. Please let me know at least a month in advance. Good shooting young lady; your father has a right to be proud of you.:)