Genesee conservation charity match


Active member
This past Sunday there was a informal match at the Genesee conservation club in Genesee PA
It was a charity match for the Family of Bob Kenderdine {one of our shooters that died unexpectedly at work].
All of the proceeds of the match including the Prize money went to the family.
I'm very proud to have shot with such great guys with Big hearts and loose wallets.
I want to congratulate Barney Small for winning the 100 yd agg and the grad agg.
Way to go Barney"" Thank you Genesse Conservation for the great meal and warm welcome to our shooters
Hats off to all of the great people at Genesee For putting on such a great match
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Might I say I heard it was a Very Fine Shoot.

From my understands I was told they are going to try and make this an Annual Event the Bob Kenderdine Memorial Shoot in his honor.

As we all know Bob passed away on us this year and he was one helleva nice and fun guy to be around. He loved to tip one back after shooting all day and sit around smiling, laughing and joking the night away. Not to mention he probably put a Whoop'en on most us that day of as well.

RIP, Bob and may the Shoot go on in Your Honor at the Genesee Pennsylvania Conservation Club forever.

Genesee conservation charity shoot.

Yes Russell it looks like an annual thing there is a large plaque with many spaces for names.
I hope you make it next time. All of us will miss Bob quite a bit.