Future of 600 yard IBS Matches in Oak Ridge


New member
The September rain make up date is this Saturday, October 24.

Beyond that, someone needs to come forward and take over running the matches if there are to be any in 2010. I've filled in for 2 years since James quit shooting and I find that I no longer am able to continue. I have reserved the fourth Saturday of the month in 2010 at ORSA, but I will not be submitting any dates to IBS until someone else takes over. Please contact me if you are interested.

Larry Sparks
The September rain make up date is this Saturday, October 24.

Beyond that, someone needs to come forward and take over running the matches if there are to be any in 2010. I've filled in for 2 years since James quit shooting and I find that I no longer am able to continue. I have reserved the fourth Saturday of the month in 2010 at ORSA, but I will not be submitting any dates to IBS until someone else takes over. Please contact me if you are interested.

Larry Sparks
Hey Larry, you have been most generous. Thanks.
I'll be there Saturday. The long range forecast looks good.
Keep hoping for good weather for Saturday. Tuesday the long range forecast for Oak Ridge was a 50% chance of showers, ending in the early AM. I just looked again on Intellicast.com and the forecast is down to 20% showers for Saturday AM.
Larry, I agree with Jerry as you have been very generous with a very valuable commodity, "your time",and I appreciate what you have done.
Weather forcast is looking better all the time and hope to see everyone in the morning.
