Forum Revival

Temp. Cook/Bottle Washer

Staff member
↓↓↓ Originally posted on another thread; I copied and pasted it to this thread.

Any person that comes to this website for the first time is most likely coming here for information about benchrest shooting. The home page has a tab "how to get started in Benchrest" and it's just a link to NBRSA rules and bylaws. Boring:sleep:

How about a page that explains what benchrest is and the different types of benchrest. Have a short explanation about score, group, rimfire and long range with links to the different organizations. The way the page is set up now has alienated half the country because there is more out there that just NBRSA. It's traffic that you want so be sure to discuss all benchrest shooting including UBR, IBS, Freedom Benchrest, ARA, ABRA

Many short range shooters have moved over to long range so don't forget to bring them aboard also. Maybe have some articles written about some of the bigger long range benchrest matches that are going on and post the articles for everyone to see. This can also be done for short range.

People have a quest for information and knowledge --- that is what will revive Benchrest Central.

↓↓↓ Originally posted on another thread; I copied and pasted it to this thread (with a minor edit).


Just my humble opinion but, not to long ago, there were times when a post was made and questions asked and some folks that thought they "KNEW EVERYTHYING" ran the poster down. Been better over the years but getting jumped on for asking a question will lose followers REAL FAST.

Thanks for the comments; hopefully, they can be implemented.

Whomever would like to contribute a write-up about the topics mentioned in the second and third paragraphs in the first quote above, for inclusion in a revised "How to Get Started in Benchrest" page, please do so and send it to me — I'll see about getting it posted on that page.

BTW, take a look at that revised page at, but remember, it's a work in progress.
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