For those of you who are up for some reading, some good news from Harvard

Well, ya, but Bob Costas recently told us that guns is wicked and evil and bad and all that other stuff and he's a expert ain't he?

Then we get into the definition of experts like Costas as someone more than 50 miles from home, or an "ex" is a has been, and "spert" is a drip under pressure.

Very interesting work, especially when published by Harvard. I'm sure that a bunch of Havardites are spitting nickels over this one.
No doubt...

A friend once told me the definition of an expert, which is a sonofabitch, form out of town, with colored slides. I suppose that that last part would have to be modified to Powerpoint presentation.
They will never change the liberal mind with "facts and logic"
They will never change the liberal mind with "facts and logic"

Never change ANY ZEALOT'S concept of reality with facts. Too much blind faith involved. Liberal OR conservative. Are ALL graduates of Ivy League schools liberals? Where did dubwa go?
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People will tend to believe the facts only when they agree with what they already believe. Facts and liberals are like oil and water.