Firing pin spring weight?



I was thinking of buying a couple of firing pin springs & cutting them shorter to make the bolt open easier.I've watched too many vidio's of benchrest shooting & the bolt lift looks realy easy on these custom actions.Of course I don't have a custom action,it Rem. action.I know there is lot things that come into play,but I just don't know,is it having a perfect sizing die set up the key or what.My gun is shilen barrel with a .262 neck,the brass is turned to .008 & my loads are not that hot 28.0 to 28.4 & when it is really cold 28.9,I don't even approach the earth quake loads.My dies are redding.I was thinking if a TC contender with a weak hammer spring can set off a primer then me cutting the spring off some wouldn't hurt,so thats why I would buy some extras to just play around with & keep the one that I got now.I'm not having trouble opening the bolt its just when I do I move the gun to much & I have to spend a little time re'aming the gun a little.So if this would work how much would you trim the spring? thanks Larry
There is more to good ignition than just having the primers go off reliably. As a matter of fact, there is a cottage industry adding weight to firing pins and fitting heavier springs to a very popular brand of custom benchrest actions. This sort of reminds me of a fellow that had observed that benchrest rifles have heavy barrels, so he picked up a pair of surplus Mauser actions and had them fitted with the cheapest bull barrels that can be bought. He told me this in the great anticipation of how well they would shoot. We all have lessons to learn. I hope that I never run out. I have mine, you yours, and he had his. Luckily, yours will cost you almost nothing, and if you learn anything, you should have a lot of fun with the research. Let us know how it goes. I will be interested.
Ok I'll do just that,let you know, it'll be about week or so before I off from work.I also got more ??? to ask.thanks Larry
If you plan on operating the rifle in cold weather ...
I had a problem with a Viper being shot at Dunham's Bay one winter - it was resolved with a stiffer spring and adjusting the position of the trigger hanger. Mr Stiller was most helpful.
I think you are making a mistake, but let us know if you have any luck. You would be better off with a custom bolt handle that is timed properly in my opinion.
For optimum precision...

I was thinking of buying a couple of firing pin springs & cutting them shorter to make the bolt open easier.I've watched too many vidio's of benchrest shooting & the bolt lift looks realy easy on these custom actions

....So if this would work how much would you trim the spring? thanks Larry

Do you want the bolt to open easy, or do you want to shoot well? You only have one choice.

Are you sure that it is the original Remington spring? A heavy weight "speed spring" might have been installed, which would cause a hard bolt lift...among about a half a dozen other variables.

I can assure you that you will not get ultimate precision if you reduce the spring weight of your Remington firing pin assembly below 22 lbs.

Greg Walley
Kelbly's Inc.
Before I did anything I would polish the camming surface on the bolt. Lube and try it again. It's amazing how much change there is just by doing that one simple thing. I also change the geometry of the cam but that's something that can't be explained on the internet.

Ok Dave I'll polish the camming surface & see what happens,I clean the bolt & lube it everytime I clean the gun.Thanks Larry
Well I watched you shoot those five rounds in slow motion & shooters using one finger to lift the bolt & I thought maybe the spring weight was less on a custom action,but I guess its not.The spring is the one that came with the gun,a 1972 model.So I want do any thing drastic,yet,the dang gun shoots realy good if I can stay on top of load & just learn what my flags are telling me.Thanks Larry
Well Butch I don't know how to time a bolt,its way above my simple skills.I think I don't live too far from you & if someday I can get off work long enough I would like to come up there & just talk to you.i've been trying for along time to go to Denton & shoot a real benchrest match.If you can get over having a emonthedemon in your shop I'll try to stop by someday. thanks Larry By the way I would change this emonthedemon sign on if I knew how,I've tried it just want let me.