Fall Schedule SE Region, update??


Jerry, this is what Wayne gave me at the beginning of the year.
8/15-16. Unaka 4-gun 200
10/9-10-11 Riverbend. S/E/Regional 3 gun. UL-LV-HV
I did not get to go to Unaka in June, and hope nothing changed for next month. mark

Don't know if something has changed. Last I heard was no more matches in bham or unaka. But maybe things changed since then. Is the match at riverbend still going to be 3 days? ........ Unlimited on Friday then 2gun lv/hv on sat/sun?

I know that schedule is wrong on Unaka it shows the Fall shoot as being in July. Called Matthew??? Called Chris Lee and he doesn't know the format but the shoot is in August???

Just talked to Matthew. The shoot will be 4-gun, 200 yards, 5-shot unlimited, no bench rotation.

The order of events will be Saturday UL then HV, Sunday LV then SP.
