
Hi Bob,

I don't have all the results, but here are the winners

Unlimited 100 Ken Hottenstein
Unlimited 200 Al Auman
Unlimited Grand Al Auman

Light Varmint 100 Billy Brawand
Light Varmint 200 Charlie Gough
Light Varmint Grand Charlie Gough

2 gun Hal Drake

it was a pretty light turnout, which is a bit puzzling as Fairchance always puts on a great match. We actually only ran one relay with plenty of time between targets. Matter of fact, it was one of the most relaxed matches I've ever attended. Hopefully next year will bring some more shooters.
Possible reason for a light turnout is I believe Al Auman has been at a match every weekend following the week after the IBS Nationals and I have to believe Al will be on his way to Kane for this weekend coming match.

Most shooters can not afford either to take the time off of work in which we all know you should be there at least on Friday to make sure something is semi working and then the cost to shoot the match.

Maybe next year they can spread the shooting season out a little bet better so hopefully we all can help increase the attendance at these matches.

Congrats on your 2 Gun Hal and Kudos to you Al on the Unlimited Grand as well as all the shooters that attended this match.

IMHO, the main problem was a UNL-LV format a week before Kane. If you did not shoot a rail gun why attend since you can go to Kane the following week? I don't have a dog in this fight but as a FORMER owner of a rail gun I see that the match would have more limited appeal.
IMHO, the main problem was a UNL-LV format a week before Kane. If you did not shoot a rail gun why attend since you can go to Kane the following week? I don't have a dog in this fight but as a FORMER owner of a rail gun I see that the match would have more limited appeal.

Not sure if your UL match was a 10 shot BUT we have been shooting our UL as a 5 shot (guys like to shoot small groups) and that gives the shooters that do not have or want a rail gun a chance to shoot also. We have had several times when a rifle has won over the UL rail. Or you can have a separate trophy for each. Just a thought.

Tom Libby
SW Director