elevation changing, opinions?


I have a Palma rifle built on a Stolle Panda Big Bore action with 30" medium contour Palma barrel. In the last few matches it has started losing elevation throughout a 15 shot string. It tends to drop 1/2 minute to as much as 1 minute from one shot to the next. Not more than 1 1/2 minutes overall though. I rebedded it in the previous stock and bedded it in a new stock. No change. The barrel has between 2500 and 3000 rounds which normally is OK for .308 but am wondering if the barrel has seen it's better days and worn out a little prematrely. Anybody got an idea before I rebarrel it?
Vertical w/308


I think you answered your own question. Even though most 308 will last 3000 rounds some crap out at 2500. It would be interesting to know what make/twist, and bullets and powder you are shooting
and your cleaning methods.

You might find that cleaning your barrels real well with both a copper and carbon solvent will help. If it is barrel wear nothing will help but a new barrel.
Thanks Nat. Cleaning regime is pretty through, Montana Extreme, brush, patches every time I shoot it and JB about twice a year. I understand that one sign of a barrel going bad is when it won't hold elevation anymore, but I wasn't sure about it in this case. It actually seemed more like a stress issue since it started dropping as it heated up. But for 2,000+ rounds it was fine so I don't think stress. I've got a barrel in the safe to put on, but would hate to see the problem arise again with the new barrel so I just thought it might be a good idea to ask the question.
Barrels can go south in a hurry.

Last year I had a customer shooting a 6mmBRX with 3000 rounds. It was holding elevation at 1000 with an occasional flyer. The shot 3 ten shot groups at 100 yards under .475 with 3000 rounds down the tube. Twenty two shots later it all went to hell in a hand basket. His gun was shooting 2.5 inch 5 shot groups at 100. I have seen barrels go gradually also.