Dumb Move


Fla mac

Well I did something dumb last week, in getting ready for our monthly Benchrest match I started to do my loading (100 rounds). I was setup to use some 112s’, for my 30 BR. I picked up my powder and filled my thrower. After completing my loading a picked up the powder container and started to remove the powder. I looked at the container and in bold letters was H322. Will I checked the burn chart and H322 is two slower than H4198. I didn’t want to down load 100 rounds so I shot then Sunday. To my surprise they shot well, I think I may play around with a H322 load for my 30BR, 112s’. Keep your head out of your butt. Just glad it wasn’t W231.]

Mims, Fl.
For years when br shooters asked hodgdon's for oem "8208" , they were told to shoot h322.
Close but as most will tell you, it ain't the same.
Good, but just not the same.
In 30 br....the lt and h4198 rule.

Even later lots of mil 8208 were not the same as the original.
Well I did something dumb last week, in getting ready for our monthly Benchrest match I started to do my loading (100 rounds). I was setup to use some 112s’, for my 30 BR. I picked up my powder and filled my thrower. After completing my loading a picked up the powder container and started to remove the powder. I looked at the container and in bold letters was H322. Will I checked the burn chart and H322 is two slower than H4198. I didn’t want to down load 100 rounds so I shot then Sunday. To my surprise they shot well, I think I may play around with a H322 load for my 30BR, 112s’. Keep your head out of your butt. Just glad it wasn’t W231.]

Mims, Fl.

John, the H-322(Extreme) works quite well, albeit at somewhat lower velocity - depending upon variables, usually around 2920-2950 FPS. The 322 is more dense than the H-4198(Extreme): when the Jones is set to drop 34.8 Gr. of H-4198, the same setting drops 37.2 Gr. my current Lot of 322. Still, due to the slightly retarded burn rate, despite the extra 2.4 gr. charge weight, the velocity is about 100 FPS slower. I have won/placed/shown many times using the 322(Extreme). Keep 'em ON the X! RG
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H322 is great for the 30BR

I used it exclusively with Randy's 112 grain bullets..I set and broke the range 100-200yd records at my local range with it in my 19 twist Bartlein barrel.. it works best in warm/hot weather.. I used 36.5 and 37 grains of it..It works great here in West Texas..

Eddie in Texas
H322 is pretty good stuff for a 6PPC as well. As with all and everything...you gotta have a rifle that will shoot whatever you're shootin'.
H322 is pretty good stuff for a 6PPC as well. As with all and everything...you gotta have a rifle that will shoot whatever you're shootin'.

Yes - the H-322 (Extreme) is very overlooked, as is BenchMark - and not just via 30BR chamberings. Other powders which have shown promise in the 30BR: RL-7; H-4227(Extreme) (presuming that the IMR version would not meter as well, I neglected to try it); Accurate 5744. The latter pair are capable of producing excess pressure, so one must use a little more caution!:eek: Via my barrels, both worked best with MVs in the 2950-2970 FPS range, with either 112, or, 118 Gr. bullets. Using the H-42279Extreme), I shot only NBRSA [registered] group events over my initial season with the 30BR - there were no [registered] VfS events in fly-over country - and never fired a 100 Yd. Agg over .26xx. The first powders I tried were Win. 680 and Accurate 1680, neither of which produced small enough "agging" capability: they'd do around .30" in favorable conditions. There are probably other powders which could "work". :p RG

Yes - the H-322 (Extreme) is very overlooked, as is BenchMark - and not just via 30BR chamberings. Other powders which have shown promise in the 30BR: RL-7; H-4227(Extreme) (presuming that the IMR version would not meter as well, I neglected to try it); Accurate 5744. The latter pair are capable of producing excess pressure, so one must use a little more caution!:eek: Via my barrels, both worked best with MVs in the 2950-2970 FPS range, with either 112, or, 118 Gr. bullets. Using the H-42279Extreme), I shot only NBRSA [registered] group events over my initial season with the 30BR - there were no [registered] VfS events in fly-over country - and never fired a 100 Yd. Agg over .26xx. The first powders I tried were Win. 680 and Accurate 1680, neither of which produced small enough "agging" capability: they'd do around .30" in favorable conditions. There are probably other powders which could "work". :p RG

H4227...yes I tried this way back when I first started shooting a 30BR. It shot fine at one weight(can't remember exact amount) and .3 10ths later I had stiff bolt opening. I relegated it to 410 shotgun and 44 Magnum loads :)
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ok randy....
what are you favorite powders in 30 br...in order best to not best.
Boy, this puts me, "on the spot"!

ok randy....
what are you favorite powders in 30 br...in order best to not best.

Ok, here it is:eek::
1) H-4198(Extreme)
2) H-4227(Extreme) - discontinued:(
3) H-322(Extreme)
4) H-4198(Extreme);) Just couldn't resist - regarding "agging", day-in-day-out, and Lot to Lot, it's proven THAT consistent.
5) Tubal Tu-2000 - pretty much 'unobtainium'. . . but very good if you have, or can find a stash.
6) VihtaVuori N-130: many would place this one at, or, nearer the top.
7) Accurate 5744
8) Alliant RL-7
9) Hogdon BenchMark
That puts me at a loss for words . . . well, for a few seconds. Via 30BR chambered barrels, I have won/placed/showed using all of the above.

Though I have a stash of Accurate LT-30, I have yet to do anything but pop the cap, and do a weight:volume (bulk density) comparison, the results of which proved disappointing. As compared to H-4198 and/or N-130, I expected a similar burn-rate, with greater density. From my Jones powder dispenser, at equal volume, compared to H-4198, LT-30 proved lighter.

Trusted pals, who have messed [extensively] with all three report similar results: the LT-30 which showed up in the jugs is less bulky, however, to obtain the same velocity as H-4198 ( pretty much a full case) requires roughly 1.0 grain more. This does not match well with the pre-production LOT(s), which delivered substantially better results.

Not wanting to go negative, my cronies, using the LT-30,compared to H-4198, have obtained pretty much equal precision (grouping capability), and velocity, but again, with 1.0 Gr. higher charge weight - time will prove/disprove its worth.

Based upon my experience, the H-4198(Extreme) "rules the roost". A classic example was a Bartlein (1:18" twist R5) barrel which I chambered the Sunday before leaving for the 2016 NBRSA Score Nationals, hosted by SW Louisiana Club, Lake Charles, LA - the first 6 shots produced a .190" 100 Yd. group: 0.030" 'jam-seat', 118 Gr. ten ogive BIB, 34.8 Gr. H-4198(Extreme), CCI BR4 - pretty much my, "cookie cutter" formula . . . held up for a 250-22X (100), 250-9X(200) 500-31X Grand Agg. Good for third place - about as well as yours truly can shoot. :cool:

Based upon personal experience, and reports from satisfied customers/competitors, and combined with a quality barrel, smithing, and stocking, and H-4198(Extreme), this is where one will wind up with 90% + of 30 BR chambered rifles . RG

P.S. all of the Hogdon (extreme) powders are manufactured by ADI, Australia.
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Thank you randy!
When you try lt30, lou says go to 36.
Higher velocity/excellent accuracy.
with your back ground with this round i would love to hear
your opinion after you try it.
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ok, i do not shoot short range br as a rule, but i did put together
a inexpensive 30 br earlier this year. based on a buddies 30br,
i shot lt 30. it shot well but not as well as other 30's. sooooooooooooo
based on randy's recommendation i tried h4198e this am.

i shot my very first "0".
a .094 at 33.6 with berger 115's
and a .101 at 34.2
these were low velocity starting loads.

does one eat crow with beer or wine?

more work to do and to try randy's 118's
You will have to ask the others . I am shooting the new extreme, which is why i started way
low and have been working up in small steps. My impression is it is "pretty" stable
over various temps. I have been shooting in 85-90 with no pressure signs
and good accuracy. Small today was a .157/ .185/ .202. with more wind than yesterday.

I guess I'll have to shoot my 92 and 94 lot of Australian H4198. Shoots better than I can.
I have a dilemma.
Should i shoot 2880 fps that was under .1
or shoot 3025 that shoots .150 ?
Score 100/200.
I do not shoot much short range so asking you guys.
I have a dilemma.
Should i shoot 2880 fps that was under .1
or shoot 3025 that shoots .150 ?
Score 100/200.
I do not shoot much short range so asking you guys.

If it were my choice, I'd probably go with the lower, more accurate. If accuracy is the same or close, faster to the target is better IMO. The real question is how repeatable are these groups. Most people think if they can do it once or twice they can do it every time. That is seldom the case. If you can shoot 5 consecutive groups and agg under .1 that is impressive. One or two groups don't mean much. The wind blows them in just like it blows them out.

Greyfox tells the tale! Shoot the more accurate load in every case. Thing is, the more accurate load often bucks the wind a bit better than a faster load....which may be the reason it's more accurate. Never mind about the physics involved as there's something here that none of us know about.
Thanks guys. I have confirmed the faster load, but
not the lower load, so will do that next.
well work got in the way and i had to shoot the fast load.
this is club bench rest, and our first attempt at 200.
we shot at 100 yd score targets.
one iron sight rifle, 2 hunting rifles without zeros.
so ya see what i mean when i say "club".
2 6br br rifles, a 6 ppc, a 6.5x47 custom rifle,
and my 30 br. we shoot down between berms so get funny
winds...no wind flags.
6br got a 94, the 6 ppc got a 95, and the 30br got a 98-2x.
just fun club shooting .