Dr. Tim


Middle aged member
Its getting to be a long winter and I am beginning to miss your famous weed wacker gin fizzes. If you dont mind, email me how to make the darn things. jlstiller@verizon.net


PS. if you are in the wylie vicinity tonight (new years eve) stop on by.

Dr. Tim on New Years Night.

I would buy a ticket to see that.:D

Jerry, How about talking Jon into moving that first week end in June date for the Texas Shoot Out 200 yard. I tried, with no luck........jackie
To your....

Jerry, I just got back new years eve from a 2700 mile jaunt to Pine, AZ. hence I am a little late in answering. The formula is as follows: empty a can of frozen lemonade mix into a pitcher. Fill the empty can with whole milk and add to the pitcher. Fill the can with gin and add to the pitcher. Fill the can 1/3 full with pasteurized egg whites and add to the pitcher. Stir to mix. Fill a blender pitcher 1/2 full of the mixture and add ice to near the top. Blend at high speed for 30-60 seconds. Quaff. Pasteurized egg whites are in the grocery store near the sour cream and milk. They come in white and yellow 1/2 pint containers. Use the white ones. The yellow ones work but look ugly. The white colored containers contain the white egg whites and the yellow colored containers contain the yellow ones. My favorite drinking toast is "To your genitalia. May they never fail ya." Recently I found out this is incorrect. I had misread the toast in a book. The actual toast is even better. "To your genitalia. May they never jail ya." In your case this advice is probably water under the bridge. Tim
To Dr. T from an old friend...

My favorite drinking toast is "To your genitalia. May they never fail ya." Recently I found out this is incorrect. I had misread the toast in a book. The actual toast is even better. "To your genitalia. May they never jail ya." In your case this advice is probably water under the bridge. Tim

Dr. T,

You are one sick puppy. Don't ever change.

Your pal, Tiger Woods
I dont know Jackie

Last year we moved around our schedule for ya, and you didnt show up for the regular shoot and got pissed off after the 2nd match on the score and went home. I imagine Jon will leave them where they lay.
Knock ya naked chocolate martini

Jerry, As a man of intelligence and sophistication you must have surmised by now that man does not live by gin fizzes alone. The drink is really a warm weather item best consumed quickly while dehydrated on an empty stomach in 100 degree heat to appreciate its full effect. A well rounded BR shooter needs one more for the colder off season. This is where the chocolate martini shines. Despite its harmless, girlie sounding name it is truly capable of hepatic mayhem. Its moniker knock you naked was bestowed by our radiology nurse Cindi who made the statement that two of these knocked here way past naked. Of course Cindi weighed perhaps 110 pounds. Most BR shooters would require 4-5 to achieve the same effect. Chocolate Martini: 1 jigger Godiva chocolate liquor, 1 jigger heavy whipping cream (unwhipped), 1 jigger good vodka, 1/2 jigger dark creme de cacao; shake with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass or, as we do here in the Gulf Coast Region, directly into your mouth. Be sure to get Godiva chocolate liquor and not the other types of chocolate drinks made by Godiva. For some reason those of the estrogen persuasion absolutely love its taste. I personally feel it should be classified as a date rape drug. Tim

Technically. I did not "leave", because even though Jon offered back my entry fee for both days back, I told him to keep it and donate it to the Club. If you look at the results, I came in dead last in each event.

Besides, in both cases, The Tomball Gun Club already had dates scheduled, in the most recent case, we have had our club match scheduled on that first Sunday in June for the past three years.

The reason we have the dates we have is because when we originolly made up our club match dates, we made sure that we were NOT in conflict with any Registered Match in our Region. It has always been a courtesy among NBRSA Affiliated Clubs to NOT schedule a club activity that would conflict with a Region Registered Event.

The North Texas Shooters Association has now decided to move a Registered Match to a date that purposly chosen by The Tomball Gun Club not to be in conflict with a Registered Match within the Region. By this action, they have placed the Shooters who are active in both our Club Match Program and The NBRSA Registered Group Program into a difficult situation. They all shoot for the Shooter of the Year in our Club Matches, and none of us like to miss Denton. My first obligation as Match Director is to run our Club Match at Tomball.

Keep in mind, Denton already had a date. I do understand that it was on the same week end as the NASCAR Event at Texas World Speedway, and that presented certain difficulties. But common courtesy would have dictated that the North Texas Shooters Association at least check with the other NBRSA Region Affiliated Clubs before arbitrarilly moving a date.

Shooters will ask, "why can't Tomball move their dates". The reason is we are only offered so many days to tie up the range. We have to work with our other club members, shooting diciplines, and Board of Directors. Remember, our Range is not segregated between the Disciplines like Denton. In order to hold a match, we have to close the entire range to other shooting activities.

I just fail to see how the Tomball Gun Club can be held in account for a situation it did not create.........JACKIE
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Jerry: Check your PM.

All: Getting back on track, here is a *legal* recipe for Blue Lightnin':
1. Begin with either 100 proof vodka or PGA cut in half with distilled wather.
2. Cover the bottom of the jar with muscadine grapes.
3. Keep it in the freezer. It's no good unless it's *cold*.

Greg J.
Jackie I Feel For You

Jackie I feel for you!

I am also a match director and this thread seems to be dedicated to getting drunk in lieu of serious business.

Frustrating to say the least.
"To your genitalia. May they never fail ya." The rest of the story

Let me fill you guys in on a little story about this “toast” and how it almost ended and my life and marriage to Yvette one blustery Saturday afternoon in June.……….
We all make mistakes in life and this is the tale of a blunder of biblical proportions, fire and brimstone and plagues of locust.
Let me take you back, back to a time of joy and happiness to a land far, far away to the great state of Texas. Close your eyes and imagine the girl of my dreams Yvette Erdman had just said “yes” to my proposal of marriage! Oh, happy joy, joy I was floating on clouds for days. All that was left was to set a date and the plan the wedding and my life would be full of joy and rapture.
One of my good friends offered the backyard of his mansion to hold the sacred event and promised flocks of doves and blue skies and rainbows overhead for the momentous occasion.
My bride to be called in the most beautiful bridesmaids from across the country and dressed them in the finest silks and satin that could be had. A wedding cake that towered into the clouds was ordered so that all who attended could feast and share in our love.
Finally the time came for me to call on the strongest, bravest most rugged men in the land to stand by my side and bask in my hour of glory as I took the hand of my one true love. From these, I was to choose one who would lead them all, the “BEST MAN”.
I pondered day and night making sure that the one with the heart most pure would guide and advise us all to the culmination of my lifetime search for love. My choice finally came in a light from the heavens!
Dr. Tim, who had been schooled in the arts of love and medicine, trained in the language of kings and with the skill of speech rivaled by none. Yes! Tim was my choice.
Time quickly passed and the day of betrothal was finally here. The bride was sequestered to her chambers for me not to lay eyes upon until the moment before the holy joining. My men and I moved up to the tower to don our black wedding attire and make our final preparations to stun that multitude that was now gathering on the lawn below. We were finally ready! The best man (Dr. Tim) shouted there is on last thing we must do before we reach our final endeavor, wait here and I’ll return shortly he exclaimed and left our quarters in a flash.
The moment he left the father of the bride entered the room to look upon us and give his final blessing and convey to us how precious a gift he was about to surrender and how I should protect and cherish it the rest of my life.
Well, as I said one makes mistakes in his or her lifetime and mine was about to walk back through the door. Yep! My best man Dr. Tim. walks in with a magnum of Champagne and crystal champagne flutes in hand to propose a toast. But first a short story must be told of Tim’s wedding night, unbeknown to Tim was the bride’s father standing in the corner as he poured champagne for all.
Speedy!…..Tim’s story began “When I got married I nailed my wife 5 times on our wedding night and she was sooooo sore the next day she could barely move, but she could not wipe the smile off her face that I had put there from my love making prowess and study of the art of Kama Sutra”. Well I could he the blood beginning boil in Yvette’s fathers eyes and looking at me like don’t you even think about that you sorry bastard. But Tim did not stop there he called for all to raise the glasses of champagne high into the air for a toast and with this Tim exclaimed in a voice that could be heard across the land “Speedy, May your genitalia never fail ya”. Holy cow! I could feel the daggers sticking me in the back coming from Yvette’s dad as we made our way down to the wedding ceremonies. As I stood at the alter and the wedding march played my bride was being escorted by my new father-in-law to be and who now had the power to deny his daughters hand to mine.
Well I guess he saw something good in me and gave her away and we are now good friends. I still love Dr. Tim and can look at that day as one of the best days of my life and have a story to go with it! Tim and I have quite a few road stories that go with our shooting over the years, but we will leave those for another day…… Right buddy!

The Wedding PIC

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