Disapointment in the IBS



I have kept a close watch on the IBS website for the final 600 yard shooter of the year points that Sam Hall keeps track of. I was looking for SOY points that may have been accrued by Junior shooters. As a lot of you know, my 12 year son Hunter, under the expert tutelage of Sam Hall and Larry Isenhour, placed 3rd twice this year in 600 yard competition at Piedmont Gun Club. Hunter was able to accumulate 8 SOY points in his first year. He did this while also working on the target crew here at Piedmont Gun club during the matches. He has hung targets for several years now.

I have noticed that the IBS completed their annual meeting and posted pictures of receipients and their awards, minutes etc for all to see on their website. The only mention I could find on the IBS webiste of Hunter's astounding accomplishment is in the link below. Thank you Sam for recognizing the accomplishment of my son.


We have not received a letter, certificate or any sort of communication from any board member of the IBS regarding the first ever Junior SOY. To say I am disapointed is an understatement. I wonder how you can attract and MAINTAIN the interest of today's youth without recognizing them when they do something nobody else has ever been able to do. I do not presume to speak for the two fine Gentlemen that mentored and so generously allowed Hunter to use their equipment, but their contributions have been minimalized by lack of recognition.

My son is also very disapointed with the situation. The shooter's at the matches were encouraging to Hunter and seemed excited that the sport finally had a Junior capable of competing & scoring points in such a talented group. He was under the impression that he had done something pretty spectacular. I have seen the flame of passion die in Hunter's eyes regarding the sport of 600 yard shooting. I am now thankful I did not spend the $ on a rifle for him to compete with this year.
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Dear Sir,
My name is Stan Taylor. I'm the chairman of the long range committee. I apologize that there was no information at the IBS meeting because there wasn't anybody there to receive the plaques for 600yd. SOY or rookie female or junior and the awards chairman is trying to get addresses of the shooters these awards go to. If you would please pm or email me the address you would like the award sent to. We will make sure your son gets his award as soon as possible. The only pictures taken at the meeting were people that were present. Sorry again. Thank you for your appreciation on this matter.

Stan Taylor
First, thanks for the response and apology. I have pm'ed you our mailing address to send him the award due him.

Second, as I write this response there were 231 views on this thread and no other comments from the community of shooters. Does not suprise me.

Third here are some of my thoughts from the PM I sent you. I still do not understand why no communication from the IBS came our way. We would have traveled to Penn. if we had known about it. This was a big deal for our family. There is a membership form on Hunter, because he was sent a membership wallet card by the IBS. Hunter also received a ballot in the mail from the IBS, so somebody had his mailing address. What about his match registration forms? There are so many ways that the ball was dropped on this, it is hard to understand.

I have run the firing line at PGC as the club range-master for several years for all of our registered matches and plenty of people/shooters know how to get in touch with me. Sam Hall and Tommy Williams are two that immediately pop in my mind. As an Executive board member of one of the most active & largest 600 yard gun clubs, my club email address is also posted on the PGC website.

Considering we have 40+ shooters at each IBS sanctioned match from March through September, certainly your board could have found 1 shooter who knew the Range Master @ PGC. I see no reason or excuse for not getting touch with Hunter and a follow up letter to me & my wife as his parents. This was an excellent opportunity for the organization to get some good PR for youth shooters. The IBS really need to invite their first EVER Junior Shooter of the Year to the annual meeting.

Fourth, to perpetrate this oversight on an adult is one thing, but an enthusiastic youth is another. It would be easy for an adult to shrug their shoulders and move on, but things are different for a pre-teen boy. As a Father, this is one thing not easliy forgiven.
First of all, he is not the first ever junior shooter of the year, maybe for 600 but not first ever.

Assuming he is a junior, he did have the most points of any junior in the discipline, and a trophy was made and is being sent to him, nothing was done wrong or even out of the ordinary. It is unfortunate that no one took it upon themselves to keep track of this one person's progress and check periodically with the keeper of the points to see if he was in the lead for junior soy and to call you or him when it was final, but that's not Sam's job or anyone else's for that matter. Usually someone close to the shooter is keeping an eye out. I cannot recall anyone being called and asked to come to the meeting to get a trophy, officially. But you're right, it would have been nice. Usually everyone knows their standing by the time it's out anyway, and decides whether or not to go to PA.

What is needed for future instances is someone who is involved with the particular discipline and it's point system, and knows the junior well enough to have his/her progress in their thoughts, to follow his / her progress and prepare for the soy results. Hmmmm, I wonder who that might be ?
THANKS Jeff, the IBS should not be responsible everyones issues, world fammin and bullets that fly sideways!
First of all, he is not the first ever junior shooter of the year, maybe for 600 but not first ever.

Assuming he is a junior, he did have the most points of any junior in the discipline, and a trophy was made and is being sent to him, nothing was done wrong or even out of the ordinary. It is unfortunate that no one took it upon themselves to keep track of this one person's progress and check periodically with the keeper of the points to see if he was in the lead for junior soy and to call you or him when it was final, but that's not Sam's job or anyone else's for that matter. Usually someone close to the shooter is keeping an eye out. I cannot recall anyone being called and asked to come to the meeting to get a trophy, officially. But you're right, it would have been nice. Usually everyone knows their standing by the time it's out anyway, and decides whether or not to go to PA.

What is needed for future instances is someone who is involved with the particular discipline and it's point system, and knows the junior well enough to have his/her progress in their thoughts, to follow his / her progress and prepare for the soy results. Hmmmm, I wonder who that might be ?

Surely your not suggesting that a parent look out for their own kid? :rolleyes:
Well first thing is a huge congrats to Hunter! What an accomplishment! Second, this guy is right Sam Hall does a great job keeping the points for 600 yard and reconiziing the shooters who place. Obviously he is not the one sending out the awards or it would already be done. The IBS is a dying sanction and this proves it. The junior shooter of the year should have had some reconigition by the IBS. Maybe you guys are right it his dads responibility to track down his trophy from the people who are sponsoring it, but I don't think so. I agree the IBS has no problem sending its members reminders for dues or collecting money for dues. When it comes to growing the sport getting young shooters involved is the only way to do it. Again Way To Go Hunter! Keep up the great shooting!
Well, as of January 9th, Hunter Cain was acknowledged, by the IBS, as the IBS 600 yard junior shooter of the year. That gave enough time to plan on attending the winter meeting, if one wanted to.


You have to look, but it is there.

I hear some whining, but no offers of help. Always that way, isn't it? Maybe we should take the cost of a paid helicopter parent out of the IBS president's salary?

Hunter's dad is upset, and a Missouri shooter, (who this year, I believe, was still a rookie). The Missouri folk don't seem fond of the IBS this year. Y'all could start your own sanctioning group. If you do, and do it it better, we'll all flock to you. No kidding.
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I hear some whining, but no offers of help. Always that way, isn't it?

Well actually no its not always the way it is.It is however always the way it is with some posters here.
I sent Hunters dad a private message letting him know a friend of mine has asked someone who shall remain un-named for now to do a write-up about Hunters accomplishments.Maybe even put the story into Precision Shooting Magazine which could use a good story.
In my opinion there shouldn't be any "Sides" here just an acknowledgement of a job well done by Hunter.

Congratulations again for your fine accomplishment. Its been a real privilege to witness your steady progress as you assembled your points and reminded the old hands to pay attention to their gun handling. Well Done!

Thanks too for your support of the Piedmont 600 yard program. Most of us would be unable to hang targets and then get back in our groove to shoot like you do. You're combination of service (on the targets) and performance (also on the targets) are two of the reasons I love to shoot at Piedmont.

Andrew, Congrats and thanks to you as well. I couldn't be any prouder for Hunter if he were my own son. You're a fine Dad doing a great job guiding a fine young man.

Very best regards to you both,

rwh38238... (whatever your real name is),

There was a trophy for Hunter at the IBS Annual Meeting. Some trophies were taken by shooters in attendance to give to those that were in their circle. The many trophies not taken (like Hunter's) were boxed up and taken by 2nd VP John Cascarino. John is a very diligent guy and would have sent it to Hunter eventually. That has been done, in fact, it was delivered yesterday. We are all volunteers here and try our best. In this matter it could probably be handled better if Hunter's father simply had sent me an email or called me. I do get a little frustrated with those that are quick to criticize those willing to freely give their time to the sport and to IBS so that shooters get the recognition they deserve.

On behalf of the IBS, I am sorry for the delay in getting Hunter his trophy.

Jeff Stover
IBS President
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You guys do a great job with little praise and much criticism. John called me last week and told me he was sending my award that I didn't know about. We had a great talk. THANK YOU ALL for the sacrificial service to IBS.
I just started last year at 1K so i'm new at this but i can tell you one thing the people on the long range committee were nothing but helpful. So i can not see any reason for this bashing,if they had done something wrong, like NBRSA 1000 yd. nationals i would say you had good reason to start this. These guys do this for free and have day jobs so so i see no intent to hurt any ones feelings, but if i wanted the pat on the back i would have went to the winter meeting in PA........jim
OK...........so a mistake was made but I think it has been righted! Hunter is a big boy and a very fine shot to boot!!!! So, lets hope he can see that what occurred was an oversight and ANDY.............get the boy a rifle:) And Andy.........if you do come up with a used rifle that might need a re-chambering or a new barrel chambered for it? I would be glad to do it for him at no charge.
Rich De