

J Conley

We had a great turnout at Denton this Sunday. Twenty-six shooters showed up to end the season with a bang. It was a good day for shooting with conditions fairly calm for Denton. For the second time in a row Mike Southard from Oklahoma took first place in the group shoot with Ralph Stewart a close second. After lunch Bill Whitener came away with the wood with Dave Williams taking second.

I would like to thank James Statham for all the hard work he's done in the last two years running these matches. James is moving away and passing the torch as match director. I can’t imagine the matches being ran different. He’s put in a lot of work and is a big part of why Bench rest has grown to be what it is at Denton. Not to mention he’s one of the most consistent shooters we have. He was the Denton shooter of the year last year and he will be very high on the list this year. Thanks James.

Sorry, I didn’t get the results for score.

1.Bill Whitener .2428
2.Dave Williams .2448
3.Glenn Chism .2502
4.Jon Conley .2556
5.Josh Conley .2672

Bill Whitener

Mike Southard






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I had a blast. Was almost a contenda had a 49 on 1st target in score. But I'm in a couple of pictures doesn't that count. My gun was in 1 picture all in all a great day.
Wow, no wind and Dr. Tim's juice! I should have got off my deathbed and showed up. Dead tired from following the wife Sat. Good shooting guys. Saw Kav., He said he was getting ready for a mini boot camp. How about 6 weeks in Rhode Island. The Navy is getting soft.
Few more pics...

Thanks for the Pictures Jon. The turnout was really great..!
Conditions were good... But just when ya thought, heck I got this down..... Bang........ OUCH!

Wish James Statham and his family all the best in Utah. Good luck out there!

Didn't get a shot of the final group standings (only through match 4)... But Jon posted the top five group standings.
Here is the final standings for the Score portion.





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I just did a 30PPC Barrel for Mike Southard, to fit his LV, (Sporter) to go with his HV. I wonder if he was shooting it.........jackie

Mike shot the new barrel. And the target he is holding in the picture has 6 Xs, one on the sighter and then the 5 records, now that is a good target. No fooling around, just perfect all the way.

Good work Jackie, and Mike.
Scores Results

Good Lord,

19 of 26 shooters shot a 249 or 250. Glad I didn't have the chance to embarrass myself. There is always next year. Way to shoot guys.

For the record, Josh that finish with a 250 10X and a very respectable 5th in group is 14 years old.
I shot next to Josh, boy he makes it look easy. Aw youth soo fleeting. He will make a great competetor in a few years. Good Going Josh.
Also want to Thanks James for being a good match director and Good Luck in Utah..
Fellows Its against the law to have as much fun as we had yesterday. And on top of that Dr Tims wonderful juice what ever it was sure made for a nice drive back to OKC. Must say the folks at the Denton matches are as nice a bunch of people as any person would ever meet anywhere. I want to thank Mike Stinnett for turning me on to the 30PPC and Jackie Schmidt for helping me bring it together. I would bet we will see quite a few more 30PPCs next year.
great day

Thanks to all for making Denton a fun day and a great match....congratulations to the top of the class shooters and the rest of us can pratice more.
Saw Kav., He said he was getting ready for a mini boot camp. How about 6 weeks in Rhode Island. The Navy is getting soft.

Wow, good eyes Papa. Was it the tattoo poking out that gave it away? Showed up and Curtis let me shoot a couple of groups... let's just say he had no chance in hell of winning after I got done making worms on his target.

Good to see many of you guys one last time before I head out saturday.