Denton NTSA's Shooter of the Year

James Statham

New member
Here are the results for the NTSA "Shooter of the Year" results.
Congratulations to the winners and also to everyone who came out and participated.
As some of you know I was planning on retiring and moving to Utah at the end of the year. I've had to postpone those plans for a while. But, I'm still stepping down as Match Director and turning that duty to Jon & Mike Conley.
I know he will get the continued support that you gave me in running the matches. I"ll do anything I can to assist them as well. I'm looking forward to getting to shoot another year with some great people and friends. I'm scheduled to work 35 weekends so I know I won't get to make a lot of out of town matches. But I hope to make a few.
I want to thank all of those who helped me in running the matches. It made my job easier. This was a key factor in getting things set up after comming directly from work, running the match, going home getting 4 hours of sleep and returning to work that night. Without you all I couldn't have done it.
So again, Thank You


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NTSA top shot

Congrats Dave..!
Fine shoot'n as always.:)

Just maby I can break free from work to shoot the Dec Saturday match...........:confused:

A mouldry crew

When Satan emptied out the bowels of hell and sent them to shoot benchrest at Denton this group led the charge. Dave Williams has "junkyard dog" tattooed on a very private place on his body. James Statham ran a meth lab prior to his employment by the US government. Fortunately his 401K was transferable under current US regulations. Bill Whitener was abducted by aliens, subjected to the dreaded anal probe and cried when they let him go. Glen Chism firebombed the 2001 Special Olympics opening ceremony. Jon Conley, Jay Lynn Gore, Mike Stinnett and Ralph Stewart masterminded the pyramid scheme that toppled the government of Romania. Gary Kennedy, Joe Kubon, George clutter and Randy Condor sold illicit technology in an effort to get the Vatican to develop a nuke. Jerry Stiller was born riding a chopper. The ape hanger handlebars almost killed his mother. Curtis Helton had two sex change operations and now is saving for a species change proceedure. The rest of them run a Somalian pirate ring. You need to come shoot at Denton. I am sure the readers of this forum would fit right in. Tim
When Satan emptied out the bowels of hell and sent them to shoot benchrest at Denton this group led the charge. Dave Williams has "junkyard dog" tattooed on a very private place on his body. James Statham ran a meth lab prior to his employment by the US government. Fortunately his 401K was transferable under current US regulations. Bill Whitener was abducted by aliens, subjected to the dreaded anal probe and cried when they let him go. Glen Chism firebombed the 2001 Special Olympics opening ceremony. Jon Conley, Jay Lynn Gore, Mike Stinnett and Ralph Stewart masterminded the pyramid scheme that toppled the government of Romania. Gary Kennedy, Joe Kubon, George clutter and Randy Condor sold illicit technology in an effort to get the Vatican to develop a nuke. Jerry Stiller was born riding a chopper. The ape hanger handlebars almost killed his mother. Curtis Helton had two sex change operations and now is saving for a species change proceedure. The rest of them run a Somalian pirate ring. You need to come shoot at Denton. I am sure the readers of this forum would fit right in. Tim

Huh, and here I thought Senor Helton already had that "species change" procedure.. whooda thunk it?

And from our loving Doc who paid for the gas price hike by performing unmentionable acts of so called "medical" importance then had to stop shooting because enjoyed it so much he stopped charging and actually was offering his services for free of charge (how else do you think he knows of that tattoo?). Now that gas has resumed at a lower rate he is open for buisiness once again rumor has it...

BTW, you forgot to mention.. Papa Gore made a profit from toppling the Romanian gov, hae actually toppled it, sold it then bought it back for half of what he sold it, and Papa Lambert bitched the entire time about "how friggin long it all took!!"

And Mr Chism was so excited to finally get to play with fire for back in the day his hairdo'd gone up like a roman candle. (still want that pic).

If anyone gets the chance to go shoot Denton, get to it.. it is one of my most missed things in life.

Hope yall are doing good,