Denton Fun Shoot


J Conley

We had a decent turnout for the fun shoot at Denton today. Eighteen shooters showed up to brave the cold weather that started out at 26 degrees and ended up being one of the nicest days for shooting I can remember. The conditions for the day started out with a light breeze of 5 to 10 mph that was pretty switchy for the score match and only six shooters stayed clean. By the time lunch rolled around the temperature had risen high enough for the jackets to come off and we all had some good Bar BQ. The strange thing about today was the longer we were there the less the wind blew. Once we wrapped up lunch we began the Group shoot and many times I looked out at the flags to see the tails hanging straight down with hardly any movement. It was just flat out a great day for shooting.
I’d like to thank all the people that made the long drive to come shoot with us. It makes the shoot really worthwhile and I hope we made you all feel welcome.
There were a few things worth mentioning, Ralph Stewart won the score shoot with a 6PPC (with 18 X) and Mike Stinnett won the group shoot with a 30 PPC, those Oklahoma boys are just fun to be around and Dusty Stevens can keep two guns in real good tune at the same time. Thanks for the great day.. Jon

Ralph Stewart

Mike Stinnett









thanks for the great hospitality. me and Dirk had a great time. I'm pretty proud of him seeing as that .187 or whatever it was was his first benchrest group ever and he was able to not do any of the bad things I told him about for the last few years and get a third place finish! he was very nervous about shooting around people he didn't know as shy as he is but by the end of the day he was loosened up just like the rest. glad yall made him feel comfortable for his first shoot- I think he's hooked now for sure. good to see the cats I already knew again and to meet all the fine folks I didn't. thanks once again!!!

Fine agg there Michael..Darn near a teen agg!
Nice win Ralph in what I hear was tricky switches not to mention the cold weather tune..!

Jon, looks like you were hard at work scoring targets... Fine job putting on the match!

Wish I could'a been there...:eek:

I went as an onlooker to learn what BR is about, I've got the bug now thanks to a great bunch of guys with welcoming and hospitable attitudes.
One shot or five.

Mike Stinnett fired an amazing .022" group in match 4 with a 30 cal. Everyone accused him of only firing one shot and subsequently getting screwed by the measurer. Mike and Ralph have been practicing religiously during the year and it sure showed in their shooting. Jon ran a fine match and everyone had a great time. The cold weather brought out an array of goofy looking hats which upped the entertainment quotient. This post season fun shoot was a great idea and I hope we have another next year goofy hats and all. Tim

DITTO on everything Tim said.....With an added YEA to Ralph and Mike (Mike that was extra special, the .022) and to the Conleys and Mike for a very enjoyable day!!!! GREAT MATCH THANKS
Tim I've heard it said...

that you don't need a hat to look goofy! Especially when operating that magic blender of yours.

Looks like you had a great day of shooting...what a pretty range.

Happy Holidays (for the politically incorrect) and Merry Christmas to all,

Thanks to everyone

I wanted to say thanks to everyone that helped out the rookie with his Savages. I knew I wasn't going to be competitive and wanted to play. That I did. Many lessons learned. Thanks to Dr. Tim for the tips and sharing the reloading bench. Thanks to whoever loaned me the donut. It was much fun and I will come back as my schedule allows. I powder measure is high on want list or at least try to tune your rifle before you show up at the range. Thanks again to John for the invite and James for all the questions I asked. You'll are a nice bunch of guys. I suck with names so John if you ever post the pic of the group, add the names to it so I can learn some names to go with some faces. Lots of practices in my future and at some point a true BR gun.

Thank again to all, tiny (the other Dr. Tim)

Don't buy the cold weather excuse for the hats....I have seen a couple of these guys wear the same hat (and some stranger) in the summertime....Tim and Ralph apparently don't need an excuse to be strange the hats are just proof! BUT GOOD GUYS
I wanted to send a special "Thank you" to all of the New people that came out. This is to the shooters and non-shooters(YET!!!!!!!!) Thanks, to all that came out. Dr. Tim(the other) I hope I answered your questions. I hope to see you again next year.
Also congrats to Ralf & Mike.

In case I don't see anyone Have a Merry Christmas and A Happy & Safe New Year.

James Statham