Denton 100yd Results..


J Conley

We had a nice turnout for Denton’s 100yd club match. 22 shooters showed up for a very nice day of shooting. It stayed under 100 all day long and the wind didn’t get much over 20mph.
At the end of the day Michael Louwien won the score shoot with a 250 21X and Jerry Stiller took first place in group with his new, never fired 30BR shooting a nice .1656.









Thanks Jon. You always run a great shoot. Jerry was on fire. I was sitting on the bench next to him, and his groups just kept getting smaller and smaller.
Actually it was one of our P1000 actions that was blemished and we couldnt sell. Not even glued in,
no trigger hanger on them. Worked pretty good for first time out.

Great Scores for what looked like some tough conditions. Congrats To Michael and Jerry and the othrs who did well. We hope to see some of you down for the Tomball NBRSA Registered Varmint for Score Match next week end. ..........JACKIE
Congradulations to Jerry and Michael

On your well deserved victories.

Thanks for posting the great pics.
You was a good wagon, Daddy, but you done broke down.

.1118 last weekend in Midland now .1656 in Denton for 100 yard aggs both done with a 30 BR. Is this the end of our beloved 6PPC's dominance? And what about the oh so superior look the 30's owner gives you as you are cleaning your 6 and he is busy cleaning his toenails. Then there is the conversation about barrel life: 6PPC- burned out even before you chamber it it; 30- carbon dated from the Pleistocene and still shooting. I sure hope I don't look up from my peaceful 6PPC dinosaur swamp, notice a blinding streak in the distance, hear and feel a thunderous delayed crash then see a rolling,seething, 30 caliber, pyroclastic black cloud streaking across the horizon and approaching fast. Tim
I saw that photo but was not sure if that was the gun he was shooting all day... If it is the same one then I would say "A tuner is all in the eyes of the beholder"
Because for me If I shot those groups, my barrel would never see a tuner....Again everyone has there own "OPINION"

Thats kinda like My bullets won't shoot in your gun and yours won't shoot in mine...
Denton Facts

First congrats to the winners. Jerry's Agg was great in that wind and at Denton .16x Aggs are rare.

OK Facts
Tuners, 2 of the top three leaders were shooting tuners in both matches 4 of 6.
I do not remember what Micheal was shooting but the other 5 were shooting 30's if he was shooting a 30 then all 6 of the top three shooters were shooting a 30.
The 30's are a mix of BRs and 30 PPCs.

We have improved our efforts at scoring 30's correctly and as a result having few if any issues, and I believe this will help the adoption. So that .16x agg was with a 30 built reciently by Jerry.

Soon we will conclude that the shooter is the most important factor. Yesterday there was more than an inch of movement on the target, getting that right was very important.

I still shoot a 6mm in group when it counts. Hope to see you all at a match soon.


My position still is the same. To me a tuner does not always make you a better shooter. Jerry's gun did not have a tuner and he shot smoking hot bitty groups with that 30 so I still rest my case as far as a tuner...
You still have to shoot the conditions, figure your loads.I guess you could say a tuner is like using the focus knob on bincoulars.

Granted they work for some people and not for others...I just happen to be one of the others.
A "TUNER" will NEVER make anyone a "better shooter".

The " magic" is in the time spent learning to shoot.
Your position stands unchallenged by me.

I was mainly noting that things are changing and fast. Today many people are shooting 30s where 6s were the rule and tuners are really growing in number where there were none. On the facts list is another interesting thing, few 30 shooters clean all day long, I predict it will spill over to 6m in some form. Until we shoot long string test in a controled test we will hang back on that one, but there is a good chance we are over doing the cleaning too.

At club matches I pre load and just relax and have a good time, that too is a point of thought, when shooting a 30 and a tuner the future will sort out the winning ideas. I do think weighed charges are here to stay but many good aggs are shot with a measure.

The sum of my point is some how we have moved towards a period of change, where some of the old rules are being pushed for the better, and new shooters are bringing new ideas which is good for the game.

We agree the shooter is in all cases the winner maker.

Edwin D

Now thats what I say is "Calling it like you see it"

Ralph, I do agree with the times are changing. Change for some is good while others chose to dance with the one who brought them. I don't argue anybody's position on tuners, pre- loads or anything else.
Again practice is the key, burning up bullets and barrels. It still is what works for one will not work for the guy sitting next to you. BR is a game of WHIT or out WHIT the conditions of the day and to do this you have to put in the time. Some of us have that time and some do not..There are born shooters where it is just a flow between brain, finger and gun. We others such as myself are weekend warriors who take a stab at being good.
Till this year I have not shot in a registered match in almost 4 years. It showed up big time as well. I get lucky from time to time and sneak into the top 10 or 12 but never been consistant due to the fact that I have not practiced or shot. I know my guns shoot well and still have new barrels on them. Pretty hard to say that you have new barrels after 4 years.
But as we all know you have to put in the time and the $$ to be a winner at punching small holes in paper...

So tuners or no tuners it is what you and each one of us makes it at the range. I know you have been shoting well because you have been putting in the time so keep it up and I hope you finish out the season strong.
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First congrats to the winners. Jerry's Agg was great in that wind and at Denton .16x Aggs are rare

Yep, great shoot'n Michael and Jerry!!!

FINE agg there Jerry..!!! OOOh Boy....! Dat "blemished" action is a KEEPER..!

I'll be down there eventually to shoot with you's guys soon enough....

I didnt have a tuner. I was a big proponnent of them at the vote and firmly believe in them. I have not shot enough to work out the use of one. This weekend was a fluke in my opinion. All I did was put 34.5 grains of 4198 in the case, put the bullet in .010 from touching and shoot. I got real lucky that it worked. The barrel is a Rock Creek that Paul gave to me a few years ago and told me to try. It seems to work good. I only cleaned after the first round (15 shots), at midday and end of day. No copper showed up.

The wind was real readable in my opinion. If you watched, you could pick the same condition and it seemed pretty honest, at least as far as Denton goes. I have shot a few good aggs in Denton, all were in the same kind of condition. I cant seem to shoot much of the rest of the time, but this one was my day.
Tuner Benefits

I agree that there is no substitute for practice. But tuners can make you a better shooter in that if you go to the line with a rifle that is locked into .250+" groups you have the option to twist the "snubber" after the commence fire command is given and improve your rifles competitve tune up. This leads to smaller groups that will move you up the leader board and I like that.

Then again, some competitors believe that once you get he tuner set correctly during testing to cinch it up and leave it alone. I know of several shooters that employ this stategy and it serves them well.

Your seeing GCR competitors shooting new records within the last year or so and Jackie, Gene, and Ralph's rigs had one thing in common. They all were sporting tuners. ;)
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Well Mr. Grasshopper, That is why I say they are for some and not for others... We all know how Gene and Jackie shoot even with out tuners.. (Darn Good)
By the way Jerry great shooting and you were in the zone man....The gun and you were shooting well and as you said it. You were able to read the conditions and you did a heck of a job driving the rifle.

In Jerry's mail did anyone notice when he CLEANED his 30.... See that is even going against what other people have been doing... Most everybody I see shooting don't clean all day and Jerry cleaned at least 3 times... So for me I see NO wrong or right. As they say if it ain't broke don't fix it !!!

Way to shoot Jerry...
I only cleaned after an agg. The first one was the barrel break in clean. This was basically the same as the other guys I asked that were at the match.